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  1. D

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    for the electrical you can use a power inverter and it will pull less electricity far easier than going into the garage or using other outlets or rigging some other way. I have a master electrician build my power inverters for me saves me alot of money and allows me to use more lights and fans...
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    Wilting plant's

    Howard is rite experience has taught me that wilt is usually a lack of water dont add nutes more than once a week better off just to make sure if they need more add it you really do not want to over fertilize as the water gets used by the plants the salt levels increase in the soil
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    it has been awhile since i have grown just made a couple major newb mistakes that reacked havoc on my crops.
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    I did not use cooking charcoal to many chemicals and binders as well as low quality i used aquarium activated charcoal instead trans planted into a 20 gallon pot after flushing with 1 1/2 gallons of water with bush doctors sledge hammer using fox farm ocean forest soil i pruned because the plant...
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    its in a 3 gallon pot upgrading to a 20 gallon pot and adding charcoal to avoid salt build up could not find plant charcoal so i guess i will just be using briquet's and smashing them with a hammer
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    no i have not had the problem before the ac does not turn on in late Nov or Dec should not turn on before February the room stays very cold i have other plants with no problems so i think it is nutrient salt build up
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    So What Is Everyone Smoking?

    oh snap where was that at i would love to get a zone of gc for 2 bills
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    I know i have not been using my air filters on my fan either i believe that leads to much more air born mold and fungus. unfortunately i can not afford a new fan and filter at the moment i will just have to take away the ac and use my inline fan and filter as well as ed Rosenthal's zero tolerance.
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    Leaves are curling and turning yellow. then getting brown spots latter

    i have a 1000w duo core bulb, water coled hood, an ac unit, a fan,and a inline fan,and CO2 from the tank no burning gases I use RO water or reverse osmosis for nutes i am using vitamin b for plants Iguana grow Kangaroots benificail microbes bacteria and fungi sensizyme and maxicrop liquid...