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  1. P

    Seedling Question, NO emergency - any advice is appreciated

    thanks yeah i got em on 18/6 now they are doin good i've had troubles with a few things so far but other than that good, thanks for advice will post more pics soon their growin fast now under this 400w MH
  2. P

    Cheese- Feminized... First Grow here we go!

    Here is just another update witha few pics, the babies are lookin good had one stretching a bit but other than that, they seem to be okay. Was wondering if anyone could give me some advice when is the right time to transplant them into solo plastic cups or a bigger container. They are roughly...
  3. P

    Seedling Question, NO emergency - any advice is appreciated

    3 cheese ladies and 4 bagseeds have sprouted up nice and are all atleast 3 inches high doing well under some 150w CFL's for 24 hours a day.(is that too much light for 7 day old sedlings?) One, however has spouted quited tall and as its leaves grow bigger it seems to be a bit much for its tiny...
  4. P

    400w HPS/MH First closet grow!

    i got seedlings hitting my humidity dome, time to put em on my 400w MHhps far was ur MH up when they were just 3 inch or so seedlings? Also what cfm do u recommend for cooling, this thing is running hot as fuck and im trying to keep my area under 90 and I'm having trouble.
  5. P

    Cheese- Feminized... First Grow here we go!

    Sup guys i'm new to rollitup, and to growing altogether, just tired of prices and hassles so decided to actually try this time. Bought some feminized cheese seeds rom AMS and very happy. Altogether 8 days total from ordering to being in my mailbox, very discreet and fast!. So far, planted 3...