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  1. b4jiam

    why is it showing me as a stranger,me no stranger than any other !!!

    why is it showing me as a stranger,me no stranger than any other !!!
  2. b4jiam

    AzaMax, plus drench method (use it in soil)

    Coming to an exciting end for me,and very few flying things...Thanks AZAMAX !!!!
  3. b4jiam

    AzaMax, plus drench method (use it in soil)

    for my fungus nats i used azamax,always check filter in hydro for larve,catch them early and u can keep them at bay,maybe not eliminate but bay..but i do not have many flyin,great stuff and can be used untill harvest in res or as foliar spray..and u must apply every 7 to 14 day
  4. b4jiam

    can someone help!!! explain to me what are these puffy sacs on my female plants,also some have...

    can someone help!!! explain to me what are these puffy sacs on my female plants,also some have opended and look like a flower !!!