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  1. PotSmell

    question on carbon filter and fan assembly

    the flange should have came with screws, attach the flange onto the filter, then attach ur hosing and or fan. u should find the fan and flange almost slip on together, (at least in my case hydro farm inline and active air can)... i end taping them together but hoses work out well. yes the air...
  2. PotSmell

    question on carbon filter and fan assembly

    i have attached fans right to the filter, i have ran dryer hoses connecting the fan and filter, and i have connected multiple filters to one fan. it's all good did you buy the flange that you screw onto the filter... i attach both pieces directly together using an ass load of duct tape.
  3. PotSmell

    Can it be done ??

    shit if u have 12,000 buy a ticket and fly to canada or amesterdam and get ur seeds... come back... start a mother plant then your cloning process, then set up some 4x4x8 grow tents each with 600 watt hps, and proper ventilation... if you can contain all your tents in one space or room you'll...
  4. PotSmell

    outdoor flowering....

    im near texas and i am setting out 30 clones on Wednesday... i plan on harvesting when the first frost hits which hopefully will be late October to early November. i got behind schedule this year i usually put em out in late june.
  5. PotSmell

    UPDATE!! 7th week flowering/ first time grower/bagseed/ pic's included

    hell yeah nice, you did some great cropping nice even bud development. When r planning on pulling em?
  6. PotSmell

    Febreeze Oder Eliminators

    denial also works
  7. PotSmell

    Marijuana chaw?

    hmmmm. pretty interesting about the syrup i never knew how they flavor chewing tobacco. so instead of using molasses and shit... use bubble hash that's melted to a syrup like consistency... i don't think I could let myself risk fucking up that much hash, but it is an interesting thought...
  8. PotSmell

    Marijuana chaw?

    one small problem with your idea thc is not water soluble and will not "soak" in the pores in your mouth.... u have to ingest thc... have u made this hash syrup before? or do u mean hash oil? i get cotton mouth all the time from eating baked goods
  9. PotSmell

    Slow Growing Clones

    clones look fine... u just transplanted... the roots r developing... if can get some rooting hormones it will speed up the process... but it will take about a week or so before they will start growing faster. better the roots nicer the plants.
  10. PotSmell

    Febreeze Oder Eliminators

    ur house is going to smell like febreeze and growing weed mixed all together. until u scrub the air the weed smell is going to be there...
  11. PotSmell

    Can i use this? for bugs

    N-O do not use that... buy some fly paper for 1.87 at home depot or the grocery store. if u use that spray only spray around them.
  12. PotSmell

    What the fornication happened?!

    it happens... when a male flower has finished spreading the love it usually falls off ... i pretty much live by using dutch master "reverse"... even if the plants hermie no seeds develop. i love the stuff
  13. PotSmell

    Help! Tell me these arent seeds

    ahh man... as stated you got hermie in their some where... i will tell you what helped me out is dutch master reverse this stuff works well for me i really don't worry about light leaks anymore... my strain is diesel...
  14. PotSmell

    less leaf blades?

    do you have pics of these "hairless" clusters... if there aren't any bugs, mold or nute deficiency symptoms don't be worried
  15. PotSmell

    Drying Bud That Smells Like Fish!

    Bulldog sounds like you smoked some weed that was dried improperly with a food dehydrator... Net... im going to solve your smell issue... before you harvest give the plants at least 3 days of uninterrupted darkness with no water... and you'll smell the difference. as for your current...
  16. PotSmell

    Drying Bud That Smells Like Fish!

    two possible reasons... that i have encountered in the past... 1. harvested to early (as u mentioned u did)... terpenes need time to ooze out in the last weeks of life... 2. u left to much trim on and your smelling the leaves... but with that lemon haze leaves shouldn't over power the bud
  17. PotSmell

    Good 'Ol Backyard Growin

    have you sexed any yet
  18. PotSmell

    is this clone ready to transplant?

    now would be the time less shock later... and congrats on ur success
  19. PotSmell

    My 2 Wk Old Rocklock HATES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics!

    their alright size wise for 2 weeks,it is normal to spot things on the leaves when you look at them in natural sunlight for the first time. unless it starts to wither and die ur alright