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  1. Aaces

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Okay so here are some pics of my first ever (bagseed) grow. Wondering how far out I am and also if you can tell if it's sativa or indica? I'm thinking sativa based on the fact I started her around the first week of July. Anyway, love to know what you think.
  2. Aaces

    How high?

    Say you have an average sativa strain plant under average/normal conditions. If she is 1.5 feet tall when she begins the 12/12 or flowering process, give me your best educated guess as to height at time of harvest. Oh yeah, she would be under 500 WaTTs of HPS.
  3. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    Here's some pics of my 2 girls:
  4. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    Like I said tho 3lions, this is my very 1st grow (I need to put some pics up) and I wanted to gain some experience. I probably would have been just fine using quality seeds from the get go as I already have a fairly extensive background in plants/landscaping/irrigation, but you never know.
  5. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    The more I read about growing bag seed, the more I'm expecting to see seeds. I have to say this surprises me as I was always under the impression that female was female except in extremely rare cares that it herms on you.
  6. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    Okay, I have to say it's been 4 days since the switch from cfl to hps. Can I tell a difference? Holy shit yes!! Absolutely amazing watching the transformation of these girls. I'm a happy convert now fer sure!
  7. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    It does seem a waste of time and resources given that good seeds are so readily obtainable. However, this being my 1st grow, I wanted to gain some experience before jumping in with both feet. So, now that I have done a fair amount of that, my next grow will most definitely be the "right one...
  8. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    I know what you mean about ending up with 2 different types from the same bag. Had 4 seeds 3 were indica dom and 1 was obviously sativa dom. 1 of the indica's was the only male. However, I eventually gave away the sativa female because it just wasn't growing well. I'd imagined that was because...
  9. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    I know one thing, the new lights are sure enough bright as a sum biatch. Makes me think I need to get a second fan to have running as a backup cause if the one I have goes my plants will be toasted.
  10. Aaces

    Bagseed question

    I have a question about the 2 plants I have flowering now (2.5 wks). They are from bagseed and I was wondering since they are being grown indoors (kept from being pollinated) shouldn't it be more potent than the original? This will make a difference no? Also, I just changed out my lighting from...
  11. Aaces

    Official is it male or female thread

    Well, I just found out why they call em "hairs". I had read that when you see them, they are unmistakable and I have to say that's true. They look just like fine pieces of white hair. Just saw a few this morn. on my pride and joy so I'm pumped!
  12. Aaces

    Just had my entire crop stolen!

    Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but your statement above can go both ways. I'm sure your brother's weren't the actual thief, but to assume that there is no way one of them couldn't have slipped up and told a g/f, wife, or bff could also be ignorant. I have brothers and my first impulse...
  13. Aaces

    the chitown sourkush thread

    That's being stingy man...where's the love @? ;)
  14. Aaces

    Florida Growers Thread

    Another Florida (NE) guy here and JohnDaGr8 you are so right...damn hot summer it's been!
  15. Aaces

    Official is it male or female thread

    Okay, so here's a few more, see if you can tell now...(plant 1- pics 1,3,5) (Plant 2- 4,6,7,8)
  16. Aaces

    Human Urine

    LOL, good one! I have 2 kids still in diapers and rather than throw out, I just open the dirty diapers up and lay them out flat around my girls. Another good thing is once the pee diapers dry out, I can reuse them. ;)
  17. Aaces

    Official is it male or female thread

    Gotcha, will do!
  18. Aaces

    Official is it male or female thread

    Figured this may be a good thread to start so people can come to one thread to see people differentiate male/female plants. I have three plants at the moment that have been @ 12/12 for 5 days. However, I only have decent pics of 2 of em. I have my opinions of what I think, but would like some...
  19. Aaces

    Male to Female ratio

    So, say you have 10 bag seeds, how many percentage wise should be male to female on average? Should it be 50/50 or what?