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    this is my first outdoor grow,any tips would be kush is budding but it seems...

    this is my first outdoor grow,any tips would be kush is budding but it seems slow.using heavy harvest fertilizer and kushie kush.its been about a month now and they seem to be almost in a standstill.are they supposed to bud this slow?also my strawberry deisel hasnt started budding yet...
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    these all came from clones.
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    so the shorter one thats flowering is the kush??
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    one plant is shorter and starting to flower the other plant is still growing at around 5 and a half feet now without flowering.
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    heres a few pics of the plants.they were from clones.i have 5 females inside that i am cloning.
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    one has started flowering but one hasnt if thats any help and both were started at the same time.
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    strawberry diesel,flowering time???????

    im growing 2 seperate strains,strawberry diesel and og kush but.....ive mixed them up and dont know which is which.can anyone help???