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  1. Delta999

    What is happing PLEASE HELP (pics)

    This has all been great info and I'd like to thank you all for passing it along. All the points made here are valid and I am aware I'll have to spend some money to start a good grow. I am new to the site and really wanted to post something while getting some info so thanks for your help. I am a...
  2. Delta999

    What is happing PLEASE HELP (pics)

    Wish I knew good reg that's all I could tell you, just good seeds from some I had got during my consumption :) again this is a test I have never made it this far and I did start some before but it was before I had access to any info on how to grow and killed em as sprouts.
  3. Delta999

    What is happing PLEASE HELP (pics)

    How do I combat this, if it is nute burn??? the soil is not good to soak as it turns to nasty mud.
  4. Delta999

    What is happing PLEASE HELP (pics)

    so I'm really doing this as practice so here is the details it's random reg seed, the are in plastic soda bottles(but I made drain holes) it's soil from outside(kind sandy) I have given it a small amount of Miracle grow(houseplant food) and I am watering with rain water(when teh soil is dry) and...
  5. Delta999

    What is happing PLEASE HELP (pics)

    So I'm about 2-2&1/2 weeks in to vegg and I have this 1 plant with 1 leaf that well take a look and let me know what can I do???
  6. Delta999

    Welcome New Members!

    New to the site and I'm diggin the info! I an starting to germ for my 1st real grow(last time I didn't know shit that was years ago.)Looking forward to finding some like minded people to chat about growin with as I'm still new to the farm