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  1. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Right Now we have about a month to Go, I'll get pics up by this week, Floweing going good. Update soon
  2. MrRaccoon

    Spider mites at flowering stage

    I would love to hear your results
  3. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Not enough time to write the update so I'll just dump Pics
  4. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Okay Day 13 and there has been a lot of progress. Eve is getting tall-llall-ller and the seedlings are comin in quick. got about seven that look real nice and healthy, two that look a lil stunted, one that just sprouted and two just recently planted. Pictures Following
  5. MrRaccoon

    how much CFM for grow tent?

    Broken Link
  6. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Day 9 Not much new just some good growth and rearranging to find the optimum setup. Transplanting a few of the babies here soon. Pictures Attached.
  7. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Day 6 Okay so we woke up to some good news this morning, Tent has arrived, along with the soil Tester and Thermometer/Hygrometer. We also went down to our favorite garden store and bought a 4" Inline fan, 4" ducting, Two 6"to4" reducers for the reflector. We also bought an air filter...
  8. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Day 5 I believe. So far 5 out of the nine seeds have sprouted, there a but off to the side getting some of the "Softer light" Meanwhile, Eve is looking good, her lower leaves still have some yellowing but it looks very minor. We fed her last night. Poured 1 teaspoon of Grow Big into...
  9. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Day 3, took the pics at night. Eve is perky as ever up top but down below we are running into some issues. The Lowest set of leaves are getting kinda yellow... Well, they are yellow. From what I've read its a Nitrogen Deficiency, I would love for someone to lay down some experience...
  10. MrRaccoon

    Best cartoon/show to watch when baked & why

    Drawn Together has been one of my favorites lately. As is Weeds, Avatar, 90's cartoons, sarah silverman... Netflix is the Dope. If youdont have it by now then find a way to subscribe to it Because It Is.
  11. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Day 2 and Eve is looking great. Her leaves perked up and she is looking much happier.
  12. MrRaccoon

    600w grow Tent Journal Discussion Page

    Just started my first grow. Never done this before, but i tend to learn quick. Tips and suggestions would be highly appreciated. Journal: Thanks, Let's do this thing.
  13. MrRaccoon

    600w Utility Room Grow. First Grow

    Well today my buddy and I invested in: Lumatek 600w Digital Ballast Yield Master 2 Reflector 600w HPS Eye Hortilux bulb Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil Fox farm grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom. I have a 3 week old that has been sitting in my windowsill, and today we transplanted "her" into a...
  14. MrRaccoon

    My first grow, how am I doing?

    Check this out: Pocket microscope Im new to the site, first post, took me three edits to get the way it the way i liked. and unfortunately, i am unable to help you...