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  1. el.ahrairah

    First Run Week 10 (Yes, 10!)

    When last left our hero, 2 out of the 5 plants started to pick up speed, but the other 3 were not doing so well. Progress Report: Kevin is now approaching about 10" tall. There are MANY secondary leaves sprouting in along the main trunk. Bruce is getting SUPER bushy. The overall...
  2. el.ahrairah

    Test Grow - Week 8 Update

    Welcome back, Stoners. When we last left our Hero, he had just repotted in all-new soil mixed with wonderful things like perlite (now I know was not enough!), blood meal, bone meal, and lime! This week: Walt (the runt) has now caught up with his two older siblings, Bob and Steve. Bob...
  3. el.ahrairah

    First Repotting. Disaster or Success?

    I had just watched the Blu-Ray of Up (fuckin' blazed) and I was really happy with him, so I called him Kevin. I suppose I should have thought of GIRL names....
  4. el.ahrairah

    First Repotting. Disaster or Success?

    Ah man I knew I should have mixed more in. It was about 25% by my best estimates, but it doesn't seem to be enough. Man this is hard. I have another bag. Add some on top?
  5. el.ahrairah

    First Repotting. Disaster or Success?

    Two days later, and I'm happy to report that 4/5 of my plants have new green leaves coming in. The soil is STILL REALLY WET, but it's only been like 36 hours so I'm going to wait to water for another day. I don't think my roots were moldy, but most of the roots I saw (oops!) were hair
  6. el.ahrairah

    First Repotting. Disaster or Success?

    Okay based on a bunch of advice and reading I decided to repot my plants into better soil. Before I was only using basic Miracle Grow organic, but I found it didn't drain well. I believe I made okay soil but I probably killed the plants in the process. I mixed the following: 1 big bag (29L) of...
  7. el.ahrairah

    browning drying curling, whats wrong? +pics

    I have the same problem (see my 2 other posts). Definitely want to mix perlite in there from what I'm reading here. Very solid advice so far so I would take it! Good luck!
  8. el.ahrairah

    Plant update

    I will head over tomorrow and see if I can't pick some/most of that up and try to find the rest of the stuff. If I start asking for all this are they gonna be like "Chroniiiiiic" Yeah I have no idea why I gave them female names. I suppose once they're sexed I can rename. Here are my "boys":
  9. el.ahrairah

    Plant update

    Yeah despite their age they are very small plants with only about 4-5 sets of leaves so far. Tallest plant (Kevin) is 8" tall. The rest are 4-6" and the runt (Walter) is only about 2" but he is about 2 weeks old (the original plant in his pot died so I just put a seed in and let nature take its...
  10. el.ahrairah

    Plant update

    Since we last left our Hero, he had overwatered his plants and the bottoms were turning yellow! PLANT UPDATE: Week 6 (or...7) Okay, so I haven't added much water if any to the soil. I have added some water to the upper leaves via my spray fertilizer, just to keep up the 3-4 day schedule...
  11. el.ahrairah

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    I'm totally new at this, but there is no "exact". It's different for everyone. I think rule of thumb if the soil is dry about 3 inches deep that is a good sign they need some water. I have a moisture metre...thingy. I stick it in the soil and is just goes off the chart to the "Wet" side...
  12. el.ahrairah

    Rookie mistakes. What to do about it?

    I see. So is there a way to add nitrogen quickly and easily? I've already spent way more on this experiment than I thought I would. I thought this was a WEED, give it water and sunlight and BAM, right? Clearly that's not the case. So repot in what type of soil? Brand/type would be best, and yes...
  13. el.ahrairah

    Rookie mistakes. What to do about it?

    Thank you my dear ogre friend! I put rocks at the bottom but they were tiny rocks, and I think your debris theory may (much like my pots) hold water. If I repot, what soil should I use? I used the Miracle Grow vegetable soil. I was supposed to mix it with sand? Like playground sand? Fancy weed...
  14. el.ahrairah

    Rookie mistakes. What to do about it?

    Hi it's my first grow, not quite sure what things look like yet. I have a 400w MH bulb on a 18/6 hour light cycle. I have a nice sized room and a fan going on them at all times. Temp is about 72 and RH is 52%. I haven't gotten anything to test PH levels. I think in my noob-ness I got...