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  1. T

    1st grow

    do you think that because they were planted so late, it will effect flowering in any way?
  2. T

    1st grow

    hey guys, this is my first outdoor grow, and i started a little bit too late i think. These were planted in mid june. they seem to be doing allright. they are about up to my knee now and seem to look pretty healthy. what do you think?
  3. T


    hey guys, im just getting ready to begin an indoor grow, im using 2 100w CFLs and i was wondering where i can get a timer that will shut the light off at a certain time and what kind is the best to use? please help
  4. T

    LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

    To avoid the LED photography problems, usually if you toy around with the ISO settings it adjust how much light is captured by the camera and should help focus on what you want to actually take a picture of. You may also mess with the f stop or focal ratio which sets the diameter of the lens...