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  1. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    Well.. all in all i got abou 7.5OZ. The first big plant was so so... got seeded quite a bit... but, on the bright side, i've got a bunch of good seeds. The last 3 plants are just.... awsome... dense.. sweet... and knock you in the face high, i'm very very happy. I've got 5 more females...
  2. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    Here ya go ;) (pics i gots) Theres the flower cab.. the big plant and the purple one, which ill be chopping saturday MWAHAHAHAHAHA.... i chopped the one that hermied a bit (was throwing out some bananas on some of the new flower growths), smoke is nice... i like it alot.. kinda gets ya in the...
  3. corúm

    Buds for Less setup (First Grow)

    Plant looks too healthy to chop ;) I'd say give her more time man...... i know its rough.. i wanted to chop mine like. 2 weeks ago.. but..... it's STILL looking better everyday. And im pretty sure yours could use another week? What do your trichs look like? i check mine every 4 hours lol
  4. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    Still waiting on the big one... chopped the top off the purple one a while back.. chopped the the '3rd' one last night... was starting to throw some bananas.. it was pretty close anyways, cloudy, touch of amber.. .ill take it. the other 3 are DENSE. picked up some titan finishing nutes...
  5. corúm

    CLOSE TO HARVEST... 1-are these bananas? 2-should i chop now or wait a bit?????? +REP

    im just gowing to chop it.. i need some room to get one of my veg plants in there.. it's close enough. I had pulled all of them off.. like 8.. then checked again like 8 hours later? found 5 more.. and the new growth coming out of the buds has more i spotted.. i need some smoke anyways.. i'll...
  6. corúm

    CLOSE TO HARVEST... 1-are these bananas? 2-should i chop now or wait a bit?????? +REP

    anyone know how fast these bananas are able to throw pollen?
  7. corúm

    CLOSE TO HARVEST... 1-are these bananas? 2-should i chop now or wait a bit?????? +REP

    here in red....... i did read some plants do this normally..
  8. corúm

    CLOSE TO HARVEST... 1-are these bananas? 2-should i chop now or wait a bit?????? +REP

    look at the pic bro.. yes there are calyx's, but you'll see a few pairs of nanners. Big question is... do i chop it now or can i wait a few more days if im good at picking them off... Do they actually release pollen as soon as they are out? or is there some time to get them?
  9. corúm

    CLOSE TO HARVEST... 1-are these bananas? 2-should i chop now or wait a bit?????? +REP

    As the title says.... here is a pic of the whole plant... at.. 53 days about. Started popping out these little bananas... I also have 5 other females in the same area... close to harvest as well. I really wanted to wait for the ambers to come out... its... mostly cloudy at the moment...
  10. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    i checked the trichs with a 100x.. and they are all still clear.. so.. be a week or 2 more before i chop the big one.. might also harvest some early to try different stages.. still debating.
  11. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    thanks for the suggestion.. but.. before i'd do anything like that, i'd have to invest in a few things... which is not what this is about for me... this is me, trying to find a way to smoke the weed i love without going broke in the process. all this will have cost me maybe.. 300 bucks to put...
  12. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    "i dont get it man how could they be doing fine with out CO2 i mean co2 is what they breath .. actually you dont have to worry about co2 as long as you keep exchanging air. co2 is for sealed grow rooms. ur grow room is not sealed right" no its not sealed... outside air is sucked/blown in...
  13. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    gang: 42 and less days flowering plant 1 plant 2... my twin peaks: plant 3... the one that is taking on the PURPLE color: the veggies: out of the 8 seedlings..... 4 FOUR!!!!!!!! were male... and im thinking one more is too, giving it a couple more days. So ill have one big female, vegged...
  14. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    the intake for air for both the veg and flower come from another room that has fresh/cooler air.. my temps are always high.. like 85-87.. but it hasnt seemed to be a problem, i have the air circulation inside my cab dialed in pretty good.. lots of air movement and fresh air BLOWN in as well as...
  15. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    mini update one of the ladies is turning purple!!! i was worried it had a problem... but it still looked happy... few days later.. the buds and leaves are turning a nice purple color. happy happy
  16. corúm

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here's me, week 6 of flowering (5 for some) 400w hps, 430w sunagro so glad i went with this 400w instead of a bunch of CFL's
  17. corúm

    Buds for Less setup (First Grow)

    how close do you keep your light?
  18. corúm

    First Grow: AK48 4x85W CFL stealth cabinet grow

    That big of a pot... you really don't need to water at all once youve gotten it even remotely wet... i'd just leave the little champ do its thing, 3-4 days.. leave it.. it's one thing ive learnt recently. once it's got at least a set of leaves it'll start to drink a bit more noticeably. gl...
  19. corúm

    Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.

    Update: Here's the gang, added a 42w CFL in the corner of my cab to get a little more light into the side/corners.... MORE!! Plant 1, 35 days, doing great... buds are starting to grow little bud 'shoots' that are coming out... hopefully they all swell up accordingly! Plant 2 at 28 days...