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  1. slav3mast3R420

    My first time flowering.

    Ok i fixed my pic problem
  2. slav3mast3R420

    My first time flowering.

    i got a plant that's 2 months old and been in the flowering cycle for about 1 1/2 weeks. i have it under two cfls. I've been looking at her and i think it's a girl ince i can clearly the plant growing white lil hairs at its buds but then i see these lil balls forming at the nods so maybe it's a...
  3. slav3mast3R420

    My First Grow Room w/ PICS

    that's pretty cool. so what kind of seed? Is that the reflective stuff they sell for car windows on the walls? i don't think you have to give it any nutes just yet untill its a lil bit bigger since there should be some basic nutes in the potting soil already yo could end up giving your plant...
  4. slav3mast3R420

    What's the deal with airplane food (and my plants)?

    so how old are they since they sprouted? can you post a pic of your light set up and how far away from the plants are they?
  5. slav3mast3R420

    Red Stems

    i got the same problem, my main stem isn't as red as the pic you posted part of the stems are showing a reddish/purplish color. so im interested to know if thats a good or bad thing.
  6. slav3mast3R420

    1month into growing with pix

    im growing 2 plants in my closet with just 4 25 watt cfl's for about 7 weeks now and they grew to about almost a foot. but i had the same problem at first when they were that young, mine never seemed to wanna grow taller and was freaking me out but just give it time and you'll see them explode...
  7. slav3mast3R420

    when to start cloning, does anyone know?

    well i finally got some pics of my plants, the pics aren't the best quality cuz i had to use my cell phone but here they are. The tallest is about 7 weeks old by now and is at bout 11-12 inches tall and the second plant should be about the same age( maybe off by just a few days) and is at about...
  8. slav3mast3R420

    when to start cloning, does anyone know?

    as soon as i get a decent camera i can post a pic, but the 2 month idea is what i was thinking of doing. my plants will be bout 8 weeks old next week.
  9. slav3mast3R420

    when to start cloning, does anyone know?

    any way you can post a plant that would demonstrate what you wrote?
  10. slav3mast3R420

    when to start cloning, does anyone know?

    i was wondering at about what age would a plant be ready to take clones from? i have been looking into cloning and understand that i should wait till the stem i wanna clone has enough nodes but i just want to know if there's a certain age that the plant is ready to start cloning from.
  11. slav3mast3R420

    Need Fertilizer

    ive heard of mixing milk into water and feed yor plant that every other day or so, i was looking for more of these quick homemade solutions.
  12. slav3mast3R420

    Need Fertilizer

    tight on money right now
  13. slav3mast3R420

    Need Fertilizer

    I need nutes for my plants but i can't just go out and buy any so i need to know if anyone has some homemade nute recipes and how much is applied, and when. any recipes would be appreciated.
  14. slav3mast3R420

    don't know whats going on with leaves, need second opinion

    i only use regular water, i had mixed perlite into the soil and i just noticed it had miracle grow in the perlite, could it be that?
  15. slav3mast3R420

    don't know whats going on with leaves, need second opinion

    from seed, they are my first grow and im hoping they make it to the point that i can get clones from it
  16. slav3mast3R420

    don't know whats going on with leaves, need second opinion

    please i need help with finding out what's wrong with my plants, ive try finding out by myself but still don't have any ideas. now its spreading to the other leaves.
  17. slav3mast3R420

    CFL GROW..7 WEEKS FLOWER, 7 PLANTS..check it. leme know what you think

    that looks so beautiful. thanks for the info
  18. slav3mast3R420

    don't know whats going on with leaves, need second opinion

    my plants leaves has some discoloration on the tips and looks like small brown spots, heres a pic hope you all can see it well enough to tell me how to fix it
  19. slav3mast3R420

    hey im very interested in your growing method, im trying to grow my first plants with cfl's but...

    hey im very interested in your growing method, im trying to grow my first plants with cfl's but wanted to ask someone whos done it before how they did it. i hope you can message me back bout what kind of bulbs you using, how many watts and how fast were your plants growth using these lights...