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  1. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Dont be afraid to let me know your toughs!!!
  2. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Vert bulb very old set up got off a buddy for cheap when i 1st started to grow. still makes nice buds though Same room and bulb just dif. view of canopy my white widow mother that had to be flowered to make room for the new momys my super crit. haze in the middle and a full view of old...
  3. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    New place for mothers! And my NL mother that snaped out of its w/e was wrong with it.....
  4. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Just got home from puttin in 15 man hours of work on the new room and mother closet...ohh its a beautyfull cave of lights! pics inc soon as they load!
  5. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Lots more pics on my cell phone but its broken atm will post soon as i get a new bat for it. got phone working as of today will post pics when i get home of old room.
  6. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Somthing like 2 of these ran side by side with the 13 plant lids....
  7. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Seeds just cleard custums !!!!! on way to me should have them Monday.....Ohhh the reffer will grow Going to put in few hours of work at the grow house building the new 2400w flower room. Will decide on the system as the time comes tell me what u thing 2 4X8 flood tables with 120 ish 6x6x8...
  8. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Well here are some of my crops from last years grow.. let me know what u think for a 1st time grower.......:weed: The 2 pics in the middle are of my mothers threw them in there for fun......
  9. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    will post pics of my old room from last year got 7 or 8 nice harvests outa it. Some nice shit for my 1st grow.
  10. S

    New momys and a nice year! 2000w old flower room and a 2400 new one!

    Building a new flower room and keeping my old one! new room is 8 X12' 8. plan on using 2 4X8 flood tables or building a under current 4 X 8 cell. Seeds are. Green House Indica Mix H Feminized Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05 Seed Barneys Farm Blue Cheese Feminized Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 05...
  11. S

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    I will be opening a new online store that will match any price and has about every item u could want. i will post more info as it comes online about done with the bank funding so shoulnt be long. I plan to lower the overall price of growing equip for the people who just cant afford 10,000 systems.
  12. S

    Due to untimely circumstance i have to harvest. will i be ok?

    Timers are your friend u can set one up to even water your plants if u buy the right equip. maby that would help get a water timer some are pretty cheap under 50 bucks
  13. S

    Due to untimely circumstance i have to harvest. will i be ok?

    If your just going outa town for a week id say let um go while your gone give them a good good water and they will last a week easy iv had plants last 2 weeks w/o water. if your using hydro then you are good to go soon as u get home just give them a lota tlc. it will get you a lot better bud...
  14. S

    Attitudes prices

    I would guess that its cause they buy them in bulk....mega bulk and get a deal for that and pass on the savings to us???? I like attude never had a prob.
  15. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Here are my Nirvana Bubbleioious "auto-flower" that dint flower till i put them into 12/12 they are 4 weeks 2 days into flower. They said 60 days start to finish flowering on week 3 but dint. I think ther pretty much done. tell me what ya think smells great to full plant shot ////main...
  16. S

    Help plz cant tell if its heat or calcium def.

    Yes im using nutes that cover that i think its fixed. They look a lot better thismorning. I bevlive it came about from the PH being verry low for a while. Its been 4 days now since i fixed the ph and they seem to be coming out of it now. thanks everone for your input.
  17. S

    Help plz cant tell if its heat or calcium def.

    My ph got down to 3.5 4 ish. I changed it back to 6.1 and it’s been 2 days. I’m using all advanced nutes bloom A and B with hammerhead and b 52. Was wanting some advice before I start fixing something that don’t need fixed.