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  1. T

    Should i keep them up or chop them down

    Ok thanks guys i guess i will hang dry them and use them for butter any recipes for male plants
  2. T

    Should i keep them up or chop them down

    I got a new batch to put in there with in a week or so. Is there any benefits to keeping the males any longer?
  3. T

    Should i keep them up or chop them down

    Think all my plants are male will the shake be good for cooking? or should i let them go? i don't think i will buy from nirvana shop again so much for feminized seeds
  4. T


    Think they could be hermaphrodite?
  5. T

    NIRVANA and

    it was the Indoor Mix feminized (5 seeds) you can see the pics here
  6. T


    Pics added
  7. T

    NIRVANA and

    i ordered from and all my fem seeds where males i never revived my first order so they sent me a new seeds and they where all male
  8. T


    ok thanks i sent them a e-mail and saying "Just wanted to let you guys know all my seeds where male"
  9. T


    all my Indoor Mix feminized seeds are Male never ordering from them again :finger:. any body else have the same problem with nirvanashop?