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  1. G

    stem mold question

    hey all- growing outdoor in norcal and these last few weeks my plants have been plagued by budrot and grey mold. i cut all the moldy buds and toss and have been spraying a fungicide for the last few weeks. now ive noticed a couple spots of grey mold on some stems- and the buds above seem to be...
  2. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    i'd like to say i have an idea of when to start flushing, but i'll leave it up to the experts. these are in a greenhouse, fed with molasses- only concern is it's starting to heat up here in N .CA- we get late heat waves until the end of Oct. first pic is an unknown. second is a casey jones and...
  3. G

    first greenhouse grow- beginnings of a problem?

    you guys are quick and good. had another look at them before it got dark and pretty sure i could make out quite a few little shits moving around. just sprayed neem after running to the store before they closed. will keep you posted- thnx
  4. G

    first greenhouse grow- beginnings of a problem?

    so this is my first legal med. grow done in a greenhouse- three plants, the one i'm concerned about is a uk cheese. the leaves are developing a fine white spekle- cannot be rubbed off so i'm assuming it's not a fungus. is this normal? should i be doing something? the plant is just a few weeks...
  5. G

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    could you give me an estimate on when these ladies will be ready? this is my first grow- first pic is of casey jones, second uk cheese and third is unknown (given to me by neighbor). any thoughts are appreciated..