Thanks guys. Been a while and in this town duesche cops ain't got anything better to do then hunt for it. I figured my power bill would be okay just wasn't sure. Now if i can get someone to reassure or tell me i'm retarded when it comes to the fan hook up. And the smell I have taken care of...
Yea that spider could hurt your dog, but it could also mess your world up. Man I crawl past em every day on my job. Most of the time they just get out the way. I'm in and out under 3 houses a day usually and in two years only ever seen maybe 3 black widows(most of the outside). Seen plenty that...
I have read some of the threads on this already and I would like to get a better answer to my specific questions.
I have built the grow box. Installed a 400 wt HPS light, with cfl undergrow help and the seedling stage that can be raised and then installed around the walls once plants have grown...