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  1. S

    germination problems MAYBE!!! YOU TELL ME

    Good question haha people normally do a half inch to three quarters of an inch. Sometimes they'll take up to two weeks to pop though. I've seen people place them in moist paper towels in an air tight container to germ them before planting. Seems to be a very basic yet dependable technique helps...
  2. S

    5 weeks into flowering 5 Pics.Quiiiick question. thanks

    I've read that when they are half white and half orange your right around harvest time. Most growers have their own preferances when it comes to the perfect time to cut em down and when or how to dry them. I've also heard you should cut them down before your lights come on but then again I'm no...
  3. S

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    No idea if anyone posted yet but nice job man. In some of your pics the room looks a little messy,can't say I know if thats still going on or not but remember to keep it clean. Sweet grow. Definately added to your rep dude.