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  1. L

    Planing on building an indoor grow show? Let me design it for you on autocad first!

    Dragon'sHoardSeeds, I sent my info, but DID want to let you know that for me, the room itself is what I need help with. I have 90% of my equipment, well... 50% if you include dreams... I can send a list if you would like to integrate what I have already... I would have waited... but this is a...
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    God bud 3rd week of flowering exhibiting yellowing of older leaves /w speckles

    azitrol, use it in 3 then 4 day cycles, for example, every sunday and thursday. Mix it with 3-5 drops of Dr. Brenners papermint castile soap. Azitrol is a consintrated neem seed oil, neem seeds are food in the far east, and Azitrol is Organic. Mites in my area are resistant to pyrethium, and to...
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    God bud 3rd week of flowering exhibiting yellowing of older leaves /w speckles

    the mites themselves cause some leaf yellowing. It kind of starts at the edges, and works its way inward, or it starts with the "lines" in the leaves, I see just a couple leaves that are doing this. The others, with the splotchy yellow and the burned spots, this looks like nute lock out and/or...
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    round, I loved reading this, and that you would give up a plot just to see these kids outside! ~ wow ~ I bought 4 acres for my family, can't get em outside....
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    Outdoor Frost Prevention/heating Ideas

    goto the local hardware store and buy a bunch of 12' sections of 1" dia. pvc piping, some 2way, 3 way, and 4 way couplers, a roll of clear poly sheeting and some duct tape. Less than $200 bux on a big as u want greenhouse. To get plants off the ground (if in pots) use 2"-4" styrofoam sheeting as...
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    Business Group takes Aim at Pot Law

    I was forced to quit a job over my medical marijuana status. It was this, or they were going to fire me over the drug use in the workplace policy, as it "stays in your system for 6 weeks" so if I used anytime while employed, and came to work within 6 weeks, I was therefore stoned at work...
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    Stoney Girl Gardens??? where to get the seeds???

    I met these guys at a Oregon "hemp fest" and I am not too sure... I was asking about autoflowering strains and the guy said they do not exist, only strains that flower really early.... but everything I read is on the contrary, I tried to buy some seeds and all they had out were empty packs and...
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    Spider Might Question....

    use Azitrol, it can be gotten at grow shops or online, and it is a super concentrated version of neem oil. Spider mites have become immune to most organic solutions around here except azitrol it seems. I have completely beaten bad infestations with it, but it takes dilligance. I would apply in...
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    Northwest Outdoor 2010 2nd grow with pics!!!

    supposed to be mid 90's for the next 5 days it looks like, I am nuting every 2-3 days (2 when it is hotter) and watering after every 3rd, does your water PH after mixing nutes?
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    Northwest Outdoor 2010 2nd grow with pics!!!

    Looking good wingman! your indica's are what I have my eye on mostly, and we are still in line, I will take pics and update soon. I need to go back and read your last few pages, but are you having trouble keeping the big ones wet enough? This droop can't be good stress wise...... Yucca tea...
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    Outdoor Smell Control

    I built a dealio once for indoor that may work good for u.... I took a 5 gallon bucket and put some of those water crystals in the bottom to fill halfway or 2/3rds with water gel, then put an inch or 3 of ONA gel on top of that. The bucket lid has a hole cut in the center with a computer fan...
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    Oregon Cascades @ 2300' 2010

    thanx guys! as far as the smart pots go, no exp whatsoever.... I read that post on superplants and it really intreagued me most of those guys use either 200gal smart pots, or homeade pots with rebar and landscape material or burlap. My soil is the same as most of their base soils, and my nute...
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    Coldest a plant can withstand.

    It depends alot on the strain too, I have a pure indica Maziar I Sharif that is from the mountains in afghanastan and they say it can flower outside untill late Nov. Even Dec in some areas and can even withstand snow, though I wont let mine drop below 33F, just to be sure I will use a greenhouse...
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    Oregon Cascades @ 2300' 2010

    Wingman, I am glad u asked! I took some pics today (8/1), and realized that the bigger ones have all doubled or more in size since I took the last pics. Pic above is the Mazar I Sharif and here is the Purple Kush, reach really did kick in Aug 1st. and the G13 now in a 10 gal plastic squat as...
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    Smart Pots outside- how large?

    I have been studying huge outdoor grows, this year is my first outdoor grow, but I will try some 200gal smart pots next season. You should read this thread at another forum.... It is wayyyy long, but worth it, I am on 24k dial up and it took me at...
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    U Dub?

    Hahaha, compliant, not st00pid, but thanx.... It is a WoW thing, kinda funny.... search youtube.... and no, i don't play wow... anymore...
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    U Dub?

    Ok, I am looking for the NW legendary strain U Dub. I don't know where to go, but I am dieing to grow this myself! Any sightings? Clone info? I had 5 seeds last year from a confirmed bag, all 5 germ'ed in under 2 days and were approx 4-5" each I planted and they all died, I am told they were...
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    whos flowering under "MH" bulbs ONLY!

    I have done it. Plants get kinda leggy, and buds are kinda whispy, but it does work.... HPS is kinda new in comparison, before them I think people used MH with alot of florescent's for more density.... I have also used 1k MH to veg, then I used the same 1k MH fixture, ballast etc, and bought a...
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    Co2 ??

    I have wondered this myself! I have asked other growers, and gotten nothing more than a huh....
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    Albino Weed?

    I was once given a white nug like this, about a gram id guess.... the "story" I was given at the time was that it was grown by a city worker in the sewers of NYC under very low light / high sewage conditions..... I have always doubted the story, besides the obvious I was in Seattle at the...