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  1. bob h

    Growing Plants Sideways

    seems like this fallah knows about dogs than growing
  2. bob h

    12 weeks flowering any advice is welcome

    yea sorry bro bout the pics il get some new ones up soon when i flush them i think it could be a nute problem, i started adding abit more nutes in the last couple of weeks and thought it might pump the buds the buds up abit, im sure its an indica, had it in veg for 3 weeks and flowered for 12...
  3. bob h

    12 weeks flowering any advice is welcome

    Sup guys, how do these girls look the leaves are turning yellow and the top of the branches have good size nugs but the branch hasnt filled any comments is welcome
  4. bob h

    anyne ever smoked "overripe" buds

    hay bro, i gt some weed growing i think its a indica, its been flowering 4 12weeks and iv checked out the trichome and they look clear, the buds look nice and healthy but havent filled in as much as i thought it would after this long, jus wandering should keep them going, il try get some pics up...
  5. bob h

    End Of WEEK 4 FLOWER have a look :)

    looking good my bro, how long to go you rekon.
  6. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    shot bro, thanks for the rep man.
  7. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    fucken gnats i hate those cunts. had quite afew flying around about 4-5 weeks ago, i dried soil out for a few days then drenched with neem oil, put up some sticky cards and that reduced the numbers heaps. only see a couple here and there lately. fucken dont really want to go through the hassle...
  8. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    i have 600watt hps about 2 feet above them. not sure on the temperature but got a fan on them when lights go on. am i able to resoil them when they are in flowering i think the bottom their pots are abit soggy and iv caught some fucken gnats flying around.
  9. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    sweet bro will do, iv seen other threads pics and their buds are huge so i thought i was doing something wrong
  10. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    cheers thanks for the post bro, jus getting paranoid that something was wrong with them.
  11. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    these plants are 2 and a half months old are they gona produce more buds or is it to late
  12. bob h

    my marijuana flowers very slowly + yellowing leaves

    hi mate, need abit of advice, iv got some nute 1part high concentrate N P K at 30 30 70 jus wandering how often i should use it every other watering or every water, been growing some weed for the last 2 and a half weeks and the buding seems slow any good avice would be appreciated
  13. bob h

    Pics of buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they look good bro, how did u get the buds that big in 3 weeks mine are taking ages.
  14. bob h

    5-6 weeks into flowering, going slow i think

    Whats up homies, been growing some indoor for the last 2 and a half months, plants look pretty healthty but it seems to me that flowering process is slow judging from pics iv seen on othere threads iv reed. from day 1 iv been watering till soil is dried out 3 inches deep, i use budzilla every...
  15. bob h

    Leaves Curling Down Lemon Skunk

    sup bro, got same prob but nt as bad, has your plants slowed down in growth aswell.
  16. bob h

    Grizzly's Guide to Pulverizing Pests

    hi there, i definitely got gnats, i drench my pot plants with neem oil straight away then the next day i laided sand at the base of the plant and im going to drench again in 5 days, am i doing the right thing or am i jumping the gun. your opinion would mean alot to me, help me out bro cheers
  17. bob h

    wtf are these?

    how much neem oil bro when mixing in water
  18. bob h

    wtf are these?

    fuck iv seen those before, is that what gnats look like before they start flying the bastards, iv got some neem oil im just wandering how much i use when go to drench the soil. help me out bro
  19. bob h

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    iv tried to flush but it took along time for the water to drain through, maybe the soil is too compacted, the plant is reasonably fine and seem to be growing alright but dose have burnt areas on some of the leaves, could the plant come right if i just give it water no nutes. is using only a air...