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  1. Jive Turkey

    Nice Noob here...please check my plant out and post any advice...thank you folks! :)

    It looks to me like you could use a bigger pot and maybe you've been over watering a touch. Plants usually reach natural maturity at 8-10 weeks and will show you some pre-flower sex in full veg. or usually within 2 weeks of 12/12 flip.
  2. Jive Turkey

    Welcome New Members!

    On second thought, I'm gonna stick around long enough to post pics of my 5 gardens and all of my strains in action. Just long enough for this newb to crush a few over sized egos.
  3. Jive Turkey

    Welcome New Members!

    Just joined and logged into chat to be greeted by some ignorant fuck calling myself and another new member "stupid newbs". All because the guy asked me a question. I've never been disrespected like that on any of the other forums I frequent. Especially considering I didn't even get a hello or...