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  1. S

    How much light is too much?

    as long as you can keep the heat and condensation in order , get as much light as you can , i have 20 plants under 2200w of light hps , i built a bunker in my yard with doubble opening doors at the front i leave the doors open all day while the lights are on to allow for the heat and...
  2. S

    what do you think i should expect guys

    right guys quick guessing game , i have some experience with growing and i have a small grow going on now , I have 16 plants 10x bigbud 6x red hair all females and currently on 18hour light with 3 x 600w lights growing in coca with clay pebeles , feeding them with coca a+b...
  3. S

    how much dry weed can you produce from 4 plants?

    3.5g for 20 is the going rate in the uk , un-less you are buying bulk , sounds like your sources are not to good mate , as for yeild from 4 plants nobody knows mate , ive had plants give me from 1-7 ounce in the past but i find the normal range for me anyway is bettween 2-5...