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  1. C

    Have to cut down in 3 weeks, how much left?

    just make sure to use water and mollases and flush it so you dont have that chemy taste you're main cola will be done but the sides will need a lil more time but u can just harvest it a lil early it will still smoke and taste good
  2. C

    Have to cut down in 3 weeks, how much left?

    nice plants look like a week and a half maybe
  3. C

    need ideas for venting

    :hump:Ok so right now i'm workin in my closet it a 3ft by 3ft by 9ft i have 6 plants just fitting in there and i'm using cfls right now i'm going to be puttin in a 250watt hps system. And all i got right now for ventilation is a small 12in fan which i dunno if will cut it. The good thing I can...
  4. C

    split stem

    cool thanks for the tip
  5. C

    split stem

    Ok so i was trying to trane some of my plants and i split the stem. Straight down the middle. So i took a rubber band and tied it up. Any thing else i can do? Would love some good imput if got any.