links for 600w mh set ups and hps set ups? i can find stuff but i dont really know what i am looking at. mh is better for veg and hps is better for flower... i have money for both i just dont know what to get for a brand
looking for suggestions on whole room setup... cost is not really an issue so much as i want to have a high yield from this space ... as many crazy ideas as you can... links and details etc etc please... i have an idea of what i want to do but i would like to hear from you all to see if what i...
so 18" from the wall 36" edge to edge? i thought you were supposed to center it on a sq yard so depending on the width of the reflector you would have varying distances. I have been looking into building a space myself and for a 600w it seems pretty unanimous you want to cover a sq yard.
5. lighting options that wont break the bank... i hear cfl = bad news and flouro's are not as effective as hps and led is overpriced... but for a first grow is it worth it to spend money on an hps?
hey all i am new to the forum and to growing. my dream is to have a clean and reliable source of super high quality marijuana for personal use. as this is my first grow room i expect bumps and setbacks as i build. I have a few basic questions that i am sure will be followed by more detailed...
hey all
my name is captain :) i am new to the world of weed but i am a fast learner and i like to think i am pretty smart so i am sure i will catch on quick.
i am looking to grow for personal use but it would be nice if i could grow and cure once or twice a year instead of the 3-4 times a...