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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    Hey Kind Tree you have a pm from me...need your contact info for a re- cert for my patient. How much do those run? He has SSI and SSD benefits as well as being a senior you offer discounts etc for this stuff? Thanks- Kzie
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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    Yes, I am also very interested in becoming a patient. Whats the name of this place? If its in WB thats not far at all. THanks
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    Where are the marijuana friendly grow shops at??

    Ultragreen hydroponics on telegraph and west chicago. An excellent full stock of anything you will ever need plus all those little odds and ends. Mike and the gang down there are great!!
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    40 plants? This is a lil scary and confusing

    How did they know the plants are in your house? I grow in the unfriendliest place for MMJ and that freaks me out a little bit...
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    ACLU sues Michigan cities that have banned medical marijuana

    I'm glad they are doing something...I live in one of the cities they are going to sue. Finally.