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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    On your bottom picture it looks like almost 50% of trichomes turned amber (unless it's just a trick of light). If I was you, I'd flush the plant and darken the box ASAP for 48 hrs and get your scissors ready. By the time the darkness period is over, you'll have over 50% amber trichomes, which is...
  2. S

    Paradise Nebula - minimum box dimensions?

    Hello everybody, I'm currently growing 1 Easy Ryder (AK 47 x LR #2) in my small box (42 cm (w) x 37cm (d) x 67 cm (h) under 125 W CFL. For my next grow I'd like to move on to something bigger - Paradise Nebula. Despite that it's a cup winner and has great characterictics, there isn't much info...