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  1. N

    I think these girls are ready

    well I`m looking to get a energetic, up high and I think you get that when the trichomes are cloudy?
  2. N

    I think these girls are ready

    I just got random seeds, and I`m not experienced enough to tell what strain they are.
  3. N

    I think these girls are ready

    These plants have been growing for a total of 107 days and have been in flowering for 59 days of that. I have looked at the trichomes under a x10 magnefier and they appear to be cloudy but it`s hard to see with the x10 magnefication. If someone could take a look at these and tell me if they are...
  4. N

    First grow, when to harvest?

    they were started 90 days ago and have been on 12/12 for the last 45 days
  5. N

    First grow, when to harvest?

    I am on my first grow and everything has gone very well but I am having trouble deciding when to harvest, so I was hoping that this forum could help.
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    77 days into first grow, looking for harvesting advice

    I am 77 days in to grow and 29 days into flowering. This is my first grow so I am just looking for some advice."How long until I should harvest","things to do before harvest","when to stop fertilizer" and maybe the strain if anyone can tell, thanks. If there are any details that you need just...
  7. N

    To Flower or Not to Flower, That is the Question

    Okay thanks, I think I will start flowing sometimes in the next couple of days. I would like to clone the plants should I do this before or after I put them into flowering?
  8. N

    To Flower or Not to Flower, That is the Question

    I am 46 days into my first grow and am wondering, is it time to flower? So if someone could take a look and tell me when to begin flowering that would be a big help, Thanks. Also four of the six plants are at about 40 days, One is at 46 days and one is at 37 days, will this play a factor in...
  9. N

    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    The numbers on fertizer represent the amount of Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium in the fertilizer. So a 20-20-20 fertilzer would have equal parts of all three if I am not mistaken.
  10. N

    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    here are some updated pictures
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    Thanks I`ll keep an eye on them
  12. N

    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    I am just using regular potting soil with 20 - 30% perlite mixed in for better drainage. I am using generic 20-20-20 fertilizer 5ml per 5 Litre dose
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    No just using regular fluorescent lights. four 4foot 32 watt bulbs two 3foot 30 watt bulbs
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    I was planning on switching in 2, 3 weeks at most
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    The grow box is over 7 feet tall
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    I was planning on switching in 2, 3 weeks at most
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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    I am 4 weeks into my first grow and just looking for some advice on how the plants are doing and anything else you could contribute, thank you
  18. N

    soil mixture?

    I am planing my first grow. I read somewhere that a good cheap beginner soil mixture is a mix of 20% perlite and 80% good potting soil is this recommended.
  19. N

    Plants are not growing need help

    I am on my first grow so I am a newbie. I germinated the seeds in a paper towel, that worked fine. I then put the seeds which grew a root in soil, out of the five plants I put in only one has sprouted the other four died. and the one that is growing is growing very slowly. I think the problem is...