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  1. JackTripper

    Cannabutter Food Cooking Temp

    I made my cannabutter, getting ready to make cookies tomorrow, only thing I can't find info on is the if there's a specific temp to cook my goodies at. Am I going to be cool to cook at the box temp or should I keep it lower as not to vape THC?
  2. JackTripper

    10 Weeks flowering, how much longer do I have?

    I'm growning Nirvana Northern Lights, single plant. Tomorrow will mark 10 weeks flowering, The main cola is looking like it will be ready to be taken down tomorrow or the next day, however the rest of the plant still has mostly white pistils (i know, not a good indicator, blah, blah, blah) and...
  3. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    I just tied her down a bit, I need to get some scissors to top her though so it might be a few days, might as well, if a few more weeks gives me a few more grams I might as well.
  4. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    I'm thinking i'm going to switch to 12/12 monday without topping, I have 4 more NL seeds that I can do it with, I just want to try my final product ASAP. Here she is at day 26.
  5. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    She's grown a lot in the last few days, unfortunately lights are gonna go off soon so i'll get some pics tomorrow before I go to work. What's the earliest I would be able to flower if space becomes an issue? (It looks like it might get that way in the next week or two) edit: I plan on topping...
  6. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    It's 9 inches tall, 10 inches across.
  7. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    I really have no idea what size the pot is, i bought it in september when i was trying to get all of my shit together for my grow. When should I top her? I've done a little bit of reading about it and understand how to do it, it's the when that nobody bothers to point out. I was going to lst...
  8. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    No, it's in a rubbermaid right now, going to stack it on another rubbermaid when i need the room. I have no clue how much soil i put in. I'm on day 19 right now, 3 inches high, she's looking real pretty.
  9. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    I'm too lazy to find batteries for my camera tonight, she's grown quite a bit more, so pics tomorrow when I can be bothered.
  10. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    I'm sub'd to yours as well, you're a little ways ahead of me so I'll always have somewhat of of idea where mine should be.
  11. JackTripper

    Northern Lights feminized CFL Grow (single plant)

    She's on day 16 right now, how does she look? Currently under 4 26watt CFLs. One of the leafs only came out with two fingers, have no idea why but she seems to be doing fine regardless.
  12. JackTripper

    Seedling stopped growing

    Couldn't get pictures up, I came home to find my ISP temporarily turned off my internet, however it does appear to be growing again, 3rd leaf node is beginning to appear. Is 3 leaf sets good at almost 2 weeks?
  13. JackTripper

    Seedling stopped growing

    Like I said, three 26 watt cfls 6500k (will be adding more when she gets bigger). Using pro-mix, no nutes. I will be home shortly so I'll get some pics up asap.
  14. JackTripper

    Seedling stopped growing

    My seedling has seemed to stop growing, the first 4-5 days it was growing like crazy but in the past 2-3 days has not shown any signs of new growth, I tried to search for an answer but all I can find are idiots who gave nutes to a seedling. I'm under three 26w cfls at the moment, 2-3 inches...
  15. JackTripper

    12/12 for a night

    99.9% of the time I'm up to get my lights on as I have a fairly regular work schedule, problem is the scheduled my ass early for black friday and messed my shit up, I'm picking up a timer next friday.
  16. JackTripper

    12/12 for a night

    Cool, I just wanted to make sure before I went ahead and did it and possibly fucked my plant up, thanks.
  17. JackTripper

    12/12 for a night

    Here's the deal, I have a 3 day old seedling and I work retail and thusly have to get up super early tomorrow, I don't currently have timers so my only option really is to give it 12/12 for one night, what effect will this have on my plant? It will be returned to 18/6 tomorrow.
  18. JackTripper

    One day old seedling leaning downward

    I'm growing in in Pro-Mix BX, no nutes of course. I think the yellow color is just the fact that my camera blows, it's a nice healthy green on my end.
  19. JackTripper

    One day old seedling leaning downward

    I'm sprouting with CFLs, yeah I was talking about the cotlydon leaf.
  20. JackTripper

    One day old seedling leaning downward

    This is my 2nd grow attempt (got some of the bad Nirvana autoflower seeds), my new seedling sprouted today, it looked normal for most of the day. I checked on it a little bit ago to find it leaning to the side, I don't know if this is something i need to be concerned about but after the hell...