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  1. TheDus7yTa1on

    shedding leaves during flower stage?

    sorry i cant figure out how to post pics? my bad
  2. TheDus7yTa1on

    shedding leaves during flower stage?

    Kay heres some pics of whats happening...
  3. TheDus7yTa1on

    shedding leaves during flower stage?

    This plant is a week into flowering, and is shedding many leaves from mid to lower branches and im not sure if its a problem or not? the leaves that are falling arent yellow or anything, they just seem to be drying out, or just falling away without drying out. If anyone knows if this is a...
  4. TheDus7yTa1on

    Shedding leaves??

    This plant is a week into flowering, and is shedding many leaves from mid to lower branches and im not sure if its a problem or not? the leaves that are falling arent yellow or anything, they just seem to be drying out, or just falling away without drying out. If anyone knows if this is a...
  5. TheDus7yTa1on

    Putting cuttings in rockwool cubes, then when ready transferring them into soil??

    I just wanted to know if anyone has done this, or would let me know if they think its a good idea or not?
  6. TheDus7yTa1on

    Best website to buy seeds in Canada?? / best strains??

    Kay so im just starting and im starting with a clone of an unknown strain to me and i wanna start from seed but i cant find a website i trust to purchase seeds, and im stuck on which strain i should buy.... ps im growing indoor...any ideas ppl?