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  1. B


    Guys I need help URGENLY with the following: In my Vegetative room I have three stations for growing. On the fotos you will see that it looks like the leaves are drying/dying. These are all clones from healthy mother plants. This only happens at one of the growing bays. At the other bays the...
  2. B

    Growing mediums : rockwool vs oasis floral foam

    Hi guys I am in the proses of installing my hydroponic system. I am looking for some rockwool to use as a growing medium for the sprouts but can not seem to find any in my area. Will oasis floral foam (used to hold flower arrangements) work as a substitude? Please check out some of my pics in...
  3. B

    hi thx for your reply and suggestions to my problem. I have posted some pics for you to see and...

    hi thx for your reply and suggestions to my problem. I have posted some pics for you to see and advise me on. There are also pics of the nutrients i use as well as the leaflet of the cloning powder. The new leaves appearing are scattered now and not opposit each other anymore. I take this as...
  4. B

    When should i expect sub stems?

    My plant is growing indoors and is 50cm high now but there are no sub stems (branches) formed yet....just the main stem. There are plenty foilage though. It is growing at an rate of about 1-1.5 inches a day. Should i be worried? I need to clone soon in order to determine the plant's sex. Any...
  5. B

    Red Stems

    Hi guys I am in South Africa and it is currently winter here. My plants are indoor under lights. Why are my stems red even though the plant seems healthy? See attached.
  6. B

    Is this a problem?

    Hi I need some advice on the condition of my plants. :? As you can see my stems are red/purple in color but the plant seems healthy! Is this normal or is it nutrient defeciency/over dozing? I have psroeted new seeds as well and the same thing there. Plz help