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  1. W

    anybody recognize this condition?

    not seeing in on new growth doesnt seem to relate to how far from lights a leaf is does come 3-4 days after treating for thrips w/ spinosad, but only on some plants, not all plants *cant* be underfertilized: using flora nova at 1500 ppm every other watering, using happy frog soil pic...
  2. W

    thrips and spinozad: why not just add to water, why spray?

    hey, if thrips live part of their lifecycle in the dirt, why not just water w/ a spinosad solution? may sound like a stupid question, but, spraying all my plants is a lot of work... thanks
  3. W

    what's wrong w/ a hot growroom?

    conventional wisdom has it that, ideally, one should keep one's growroom somewhere in the low 70's. temps over 80 are considered unacceptable, long term. wtf? cannabis grows all over the world, often at temps way into the 90's w/ no problem... what gives?
  4. W

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    ftpstrangr--went for it last night. seemed like they were actually starting to sort of die or go funky or something. at least I know I didnt harvest too early... but, now we have to wonder if trichromes are the (only? best?) way to judge ripeness, right?
  5. W

    harvest in the morning? after extended night/dark period?

    heave heard various stories regarding harvest timing: in the morning, anytime during the day, after a period of extended darkness... anyone have any *solid* info on this whole thing? thanks
  6. W

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    yeah, they look overdone, but no amber trichromes... how can this be?
  7. W

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    buds overall are looking very purple/maroon but trichromes are maybe 50/50 clear/milky w/ very few amber I figure the discoloration is nutrient deficiency as I've been flushing and toning down the nutes in prep for harvest, but they keep hanging on and not ripening w/r/t the trichromes. it...
  8. W

    fox farm: solubles: can I use them standalone, no liquids?

    if not, why not? I wanna get away from buying water, lugging water around, and piling up so much plastic--wanna go all powdered. note, GH has their powdered formulas, anybody using just those?
  9. W

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hard to get a perfect closeup w/ my new toy -- a usb micro-camera by carson-- but the trichromes look all over the place... too late? strain is sugar kush which they say can go up to 13 weeks... have been waiting for %50 amber but I dont think it's gonna happen dont have pictures of plants in...