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  1. Ill Tempered Sun

    New tracks! I hope you enjoy Please follow me if you like the songs.
  2. Ill Tempered Sun

    using general organics go box has cause ph to change in my

    Hey Man! I have been using GO for 4 harvests now… I understand your problem or worry rather. After all of your nutes are added to the water you see a ph of 5-, which can be scary. What i did was add some earth juice organic crystals to adjust the PH higher. My plants look amazing and i...
  3. Ill Tempered Sun

    Hello, Hi, how are ya?

    Hello, Hi, how are ya?
  4. Ill Tempered Sun

    Some of my creations!!

    LOL! That would be great man. I really appreciate it.
  5. Ill Tempered Sun

    Some of my creations!!

    Thanks so much! That really means a lot to me man.
  6. Ill Tempered Sun

    Some music I have been making! Enjoy!
  7. Ill Tempered Sun

    Some of my creations!! I don't write anything down or think too much about the leads... Just improv on all of it. Hope you enjoy!
  8. Ill Tempered Sun

    What Are You Listening To?

    John Frusciante's new album "PBX FUNICULAR INTAGLIO". Insane!!!!