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  1. G


    What's the best vaporizor out there that's less than $300?
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    Hortilab's StarBud is finally out in seed!!

    I believe the reason why it was so long for seeds is that they entered a clone from the original mother 2 years ago. They just grew this from some bag seed they found from some of the best pot they had ever smoked. No real breeding had been done on the strain they had entered at that point...
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    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    here's a pic of them so far. About 7 to 8 weeks to go
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    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    Thanks for the tip. I'll give the ancient forest a shot
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    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    For the tea? High nitrogen Mexican bat guano, Age Old Fish and Seaweed, Age Old Kelp, FF Big Bloom and a little organic black strap molasses for veg. For flower, budswell, FF Big Bloom and black strap molasses The reason I can't carry the buckets to the sites is that both entry ways into my...
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    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    Molasses is high in P K and also calcium, iron and magnesium. Refined sugar is stripped of all of the good stuff
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    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    I've been reading up on composts teas and apparently you need to have an aerator to get good aerobic bacteria. I was planning on just letting my tea brew in 5 gal buckets at my site, but obviously I don't have an electric source for an aerator. I did a search on battery aerators and found some...
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    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    About your tea... Do you foliar feed, soil feed or both? And at what frequency?
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    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Wheezer, I read your thread from last year's grow and seen your pics. You're the only person I know of that expects to get 25 lbs from 6 plants. Me and a friend are guerrilla growing about 30 together. 8 are feminized and the other 22 are from regular seeds, so we will probably end up with...
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    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Add BCBD Purps and Pinewarp bag seed from last year
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    Saw Them in Action for the First Time Today

    I had this happen to me last year. A black helicopter flew directly over me while I was fertilizing and made a bee line to my cousin's crop on the other side of the swamp. Then made a hard left just over my cousins crop.
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    Yellowing Leaves on My Seedlings Bottom Leaves

    OK, that takes a load of my mind. Thanks for the prompt reply. I appreciate it
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    Yellowing Leaves on My Seedlings Bottom Leaves

    I'm not sure if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong. Light a tad too high perhaps? Any suggestions?
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    FF Bush Doctor products

    I'm doing a guerrilla grow this year and I was wondering if Kangaroots and Microbe Brew are worth the money for my purposes? I used Fox Farm Tiger Bloom as a supplemental foliar spray last year and was super impressed by the results, so I'm using a lot of their products this year. I'm thinking...
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    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Green House Seeds - The Church Green House Seeds - Himalaya Gold Chimera - Schnazzleberry #2 Kootenay - White Grizzly May possibly do Guerrilla Gold #3 from Smoke a lot and Shaman from Dutch Passion if I have the dough for extra seeds
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    Insect damage or mineral deficiency?

    I think plan A is to add some nitrogen. I added a bunch of super tea early on, but with all the rain we've been getting, it could have easily been flushed. It's been 6 weeks since I added any nitrogen based ferts. Next season I'll be a little wiser an apply it gradually. I think I have any...
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    Insect damage or mineral deficiency?

    If I have already have been adding 0-7-0 ferts + black strap, do I really want to add 20-20-20? If it's just low on nitrogen, wouldn't I want to add something higher in nitrogen for the next week or 2?
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    Insect damage or mineral deficiency?

    It starts with yellow dots on the leaves, then the whole leaf turns yellow and the spots turn brown. Eventually the whole leave withers and dies. It's been happening towards the bottom and working its way to the top. This started 3 weeks ago. 2 Weeks ago I started adding Bud Swell and black...