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  1. Metattron

    I think I killed it!

    7 weeks. Just chopped it and trimmed back all the brown parts and it looks good! Was due to cut it this week anyhow. Buds all look good, it was just the leaves that were bad it looks like. Proof will be in the smoking! Thanks guys!
  2. Metattron

    I think I killed it!

    Anyone got any idea of the problem here? Indoor grow under CFL lights, grown in compost, watered daily. No nutes for the past two weeks. Should be ready for harvest but leaves and buds are turning brown - see pics.... Should I go ahead and harvest anyway or is it too far gone??
  3. Metattron

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Cheers fdd. This is just 6 weeks in but I'll have to flush. Buds are kinda small, was hoping they would grow some more, but guess I'll have to see what happens while flushing for a week or so.
  4. Metattron

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you think of these? Most pistils are brown but some white ones are still sprouting. Trichs look cloudy in one shot here but under mag they are clear.