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  1. L

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    i cant see the plants. really need to diognose my problem
  2. L

    How noticable are Spider Mite?

    Ive read loads of posts on here and looked through loads of pics . Its looks like i have spider mite as i have symptons BUT i havent found any of the mites. So i wanted to know from someone that may know.......... How carfully do you have to look at the plant to find any?:? Ive already tried a...
  3. L

    Yellow holes in leaves-Is it a bug???

    My leaves are the same as in your pics. Is this deffently spider mite? Ived tryied a spray that is sopose to kill spider mite and other flies...?
  4. L

    PH Problems???

    Have you found out the problem as from looking at your pictures i have the same.