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  1. K

    hermies?? help please

    i have some nodes that dont look like a female preflower at all, it looks like 3 fingers at some of the nodes and the ones that had balls i already chopped. is this also a hermie?
  2. K

    when should i harvest?

    i dont have pics of them now i had 3 small circles i removed the infected leaves and i got a dehumidifier my RH is still 46% i like to keep it round 40 to be safe and help resin production . but thanks for the inpuut im gonna wait the extra week if i have to
  3. K

    when should i harvest?

    k thanks a lot dude. im gonna wait for the trichomes to turn. but ive been battling a small patch of powdery mold and im against the clock if it spreads ill harvest asap i just dont wanna have to do that in the last week of dank growth
  4. K

    when should i harvest?

    trichomes mostly clear and little milky i was plannin on cutting in 3 days. you think thatd be too early? i was gonna wait for some ambers to show up
  5. K

    when should i harvest?

    i am 3 days away from week ten. 7 sour deisels and ive heard to go till 75 or 80 days which would gimme another week at least. i have yellowing leaves already and do not want to harvest them too early. ive already started flush 2 weeks ago and im in soil . lemme kno what you would do this is my...
  6. K

    Using Sweet During Flush?

    thanks for the input everyone. ill prolly end up runnin RO for the last 14 days and distilled from the store the last 5. just expensive shit. but if it helps the taste ill give it a try.
  7. K

    sugars during flush?

    alright thats what i figured. alot of people do a lot of different things for flush. thanks for the input. i got 7 sour deisel plants looking very dank for my first grow.being a sativa how long would you say to let em flower? i was thinking right at the end of ten but now ive been reading to go...
  8. K

    sugars during flush?

    ive been told a shit load of stuff about flushing and everyone's is different. my first grow and im 3 weeks away from harvest. using fox farm soil and prolly gonna flush 10-14 days from harvest time. should you flush with sugar also? ive heard some good things about it. then just use plain water...
  9. K

    Using Sweet During Flush?

    my first grow and im about 3 weeks away from harvest. ive heard a shit load of different things to do for flushing but im growin in ocean forest soil and prolly gonna start flushing 14 to 10 days out from harvest time. is it a good idea to use sugar while flushing? ive heard good things about it
  10. K

    side leaves curlin up a little. is it ok? first grow

    fox farm in 3 gallon pots. 6.5 ph around. flora nova bloom with sweet leaf. 5ml a gal for the flora. 10ml for sweet leaf. leaves lookin ok or no?
  11. K

    WTF is happening? please help (pics)

    ok will do. thanks- and i watered them today thats why its saturated it was completely dry b 4 today. since the pots are way too big for the plants would it be better to water less and keep the soil dry around the edges of the pot?
  12. K

    WTF is happening? please help (pics)

    ive been using ph down for my water im usin through the sink letting it sit out for a day or 2 before water. looked like i had spider mites cuz of the brown holes in leaves so some store owner told me to use the pesticide. its a veru light concentrate spray on for the leaves. i used b1 and they...
  13. K

    WTF is happening? please help (pics)

    sour diesel, 4 t5's, fox farm, no nutes yet, watered when transplanted and today as the 4th day. ph is around 6.0. 18-6 photoperiod. this is my first time growing im lost in what to do here. i also got an organic pesticide for spraying cuz of the holes in the leaves. any advice would be awesome
  14. K

    drooping clones and yellow tipped leaves HELP ME!

    alright for sure. do you have any expirience with the t5's ive heard several opinions on the hiehgt above the canopy for these. some 1 inch and some 12 inches. mine are about 9 inches above now due to some heat giving off. and cervantes book saying its better to dim lights for a day or 2 after...
  15. K

    drooping clones and yellow tipped leaves HELP ME!

    thanks dude. i will i am just trying not to over water and everything. but it seems that the plants do better when the lights are off too. is there anything that this would be affected by that u know of?
  16. K

    drooping clones and yellow tipped leaves HELP ME!

    first time grower i bought 8 sour diesel clones from the store. i just transplanted them a day ago from small clone cubes to larger 3 gallons in fox farm with perlite. there seemed to not be that many roots visible from the cube. just a couple. PH is around 6.8 temp is at bout 80 and humidity...