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  1. mkbombadil

    The best place for elite clones!!!

    How to you identify the root aphids? Are they easy to see on the roots?
  2. mkbombadil

    America Before The Entitlement State

    You were not alive then and you are delusional about how it was better in the past. What is true is this country peaked economically 30 years ago and the slow (or fast) decline will not stop. Americans are greedy and ignorant and most importantly lazy. We have the government we deserve.
  3. mkbombadil

    Loosing all Confidence in my Ability to Grow

    N is available at PH 6 (5.5 - 6.5). Any experts think I am wrong?
  4. mkbombadil

    Weed Wars

    The MMJ propagandists do not want that said. They do say that cannabis is a cure all and it has no side effects, or they just forgot what the side effects are. The reality that just getting high is a valid reason to use cannabis and MMJ is a good excuse to get us what we want and make a buck.
  5. mkbombadil

    Weed Wars

    I met him once. Not a rational thinking Human.
  6. mkbombadil

    Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

    He is a Republican which is always bad. There are no exceptions. A true Libertarian would not be in that Party. There is zero chance he will be nominated. I offer 100 to 1 odds on 1 large.
  7. mkbombadil

    Got a question. cloning

    You probably need to transfer them to a larger cube first. 3" or 4" rock wool. When roots pop out a lot then they are ready for buckets.
  8. mkbombadil

    How to make your own hash oil, easy.

    that is a nasty method, horrible taste, many better methods for extracting
  9. mkbombadil

    How many plants can I put under a 1000w?

    exactly... the other end of the scale from 1 monster plant is 36 plants at 20G per plant. no veg, all done in 8 weeks from well rooted clones I have done it this way a few times.
  10. mkbombadil

    Complete reservoir changes

    depends on how there doing... never more than 10 days between changes if they are huge and numerous then every 7 days or sooner
  11. mkbombadil

    Ebb n' Grow Reservoir Question

    use less, 20-30 gallons, test daily, change it more often 5-7 days
  12. mkbombadil

    Favorite indoor strains and strongest indoor strains are...

    I like Blue Dream best. Grows and clones great plus very popular and strong. The strongest strain I ever grew was the"cave" an old mendo strain:weed: Other strains I have grown a lot and would recommend are White Widow, Sensi star, Dankouver, Soma, Blueberry Hogsbreath... all I can think of...
  13. mkbombadil


    PLZ explain light setup. Lighting: x4 600 on a flip box for 12 total with only 4running at once. 2 tents, 4 lights each is only 8 . I assume tent 1-2 are on 12 hour time? How much for 1 of these tents do you estimate? Including everything.
  14. mkbombadil

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links $10 max shipping !!!!
  15. mkbombadil


    bigger pots = bigger "potential yield" per plant and also means longer veg Most hydro setups require mo more than 6-8 inches of medium depth for roots. You should be able to complete an indoor hydro gro in 10-12 weeks max
  16. mkbombadil


    I have used GH since the beginning of time. What nutrients are best for blooming "Blue Dream" ? (trays/rockwool/HPS lites)