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  1. A

    Came Clean With All The Dirty Little Details

    I feel that I owe some of you closure on the whole thing that my last post was about. Shiit, where to start, so i listened to some of you, and started thinking that what i was doing was maybe not normal. Its hard when my life has never been normal, to think what normal is. So i,m a...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    I was thinking of telling her. But now is sure not the time, and things are getting tricky. I told the guy i was seeing that thats it, dont contact me again, its over. Well now he's threatening to kill himself if I stop seeing him. Shit, it was suppose to be noncommittal, fuchen guy...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    Yes time to call it quits. Its like trying to explain the string theory to a kindergarden class. And I am enjoying my life, i got a women i love we support each other. And the best part she's pregnant with my kid. How sweet is that. Oh and a guy who likes to give me head. Thats gona be...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    I am what i am, unlike you who pretends to be who you arnt. And you know thats the truth, {latent homo, latent homo!!!!}
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    Wyteberrywidow, your so obvious latent homo it makes me laugh. Your probably sitting in front of your computer jerken off to my posts. I dont know what i am, but whatever it is its honest. Shiit when i was a kid it was the big joke with us boys, how the paster used to like to sit us on...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    what the fuck? is kindergarden out already? You sure dont know me, because i'd be the last guy youd ever wana fight. It would be your last fight in this life, forsur.
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    ya okay, i'm really fucked up, and a homo. But hey, i probably have a closer relationship with the women in my life than any of you. And i know i'm a better lover than most of you dip shits, because i never have had a girl leave me, it was always me that left first.
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    ou can tell others to grow up all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that straight men don't get sucked off by other men. Straight men would be turned off by the very idea, and they certainly wouldn't hook up with another man from an Internet ad for oral sex. This wasn't even one of those...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    I'm not gay, I just like to get my dick sucked. This is the first time i ever let another man do my tool. And i'v had lots of girls, most of them are still friends. and some i would still be with except for moving for work or school. Its real childish to think that if a guy sucks your...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    hey hey, slow down a wee bit. I dont think what i did was shitty at all, i didnt cheat on my girl. And I'm not gay. I guess i dont feel all good about it or this wouldnt have been my first post. Just needed to talk about it, to peeps i dont know. At least I'm honest, and also probably not...
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    Craig's List Homosexual Sex

    Okay, so I'm new here and just thought I'd throw this out to see what everyone thinks. I'v been living with my girlfreind for five years, and I'm crazy for her, aint no one else in my life but her. She just got a new job about a year ago, and is gone for two weeks and home for two...