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  1. S

    First DWC grow

    I don't want or need her to be huge, this is just an experiment. Still having the leaf dying problem, yellowing edges, then browning. PH is just right and PPM is about 950 so I'm not sure what's up. I don't have any fancy meters to tell me what EXACTLY it needs, but it's growing, so I'm not...
  2. S

    First DWC grow

    It seems the leaves grow to full size, then shrivel up. Any idea what causes this? Any feedback is appreciated.
  3. S

    First DWC grow

    Everything seems to be going well. Added a 2nd CLF, got my PH balanced... now this is happening. Why are they yellowing on the edges, then turning brown towards the center?
  4. S

    First DWC grow

    She has made it through the first step, now I need to feed her. The edges are turning yellow. (I'd insert a pic but... I'll do that tomorrow.0 I'm going to look through threads now but I figure I'll ask while I'm here... What are some inexpensive but decent results nutrients for veging...
  5. S

    First DWC grow

    Hey subscribers! I took snocat's advice and started my bubblebucket today. Cut a hole in the lid, ph balanced my water and plopped her in. (I HOPE it's a her!) I decided to put a clear water bottle over her:?: to hold moisture and heat. My questions: Nutes: absolutely necessary or a...
  6. S

    First DWC grow

    Hello all :-P This is my first post on RIU and I'm happy to be here! I'm going to keep this thread as my personal grow journal, and to keep track of your feedback. This is my very first attempt at a DWC grow! :clap: With that in mind, any comments or suggestions are very much...