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  1. B

    You said you want a grow tent for under $50?

    There are plenty of ways to skin a cat but there ain't no way that the cat is gonna like!! I'm using mostly CFLs and my plants are ROCKIN AND ROLLIN!! Actually they have outgrown my grow area for the second time. My new problem is that they are ALL FEMALE so the culling I was planning on to...
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    Who looks in your trask can?? Great grow idea.

    Hey guys and dolls. My plants have been growing great under my CFLs with bottom wick watering but I have TWO problems as a result. They grew TOO WELL. #1. I let my plants veg for 6 weeks before turning back the lights to 12/12. I was thinking I'd get some males to cull out to make more lumens...
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    #1 indoor grow. NL/BB , WW sprouting. Now the waiting......

    I put some drainage material
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    Thinking about transplanting hydro plants to soil.

    dump dump dump
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    What to expect from an indoor CFL grow ??

    My plants in soil seem to be doing good but the ones in the DWC hydro don't seem to be doing much. Maybe they are spending their energy sending out roots. I hope so. I thought hydr was supposed to be faster than dirt. I'm seriously thinking about transfering them into soil but I'll wait a few...
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    Cheap Way to make CO2 for your grow

    K.I.S.S CO2 What I did works fine and it's simple. I took a 5 gallon plastic water jug (office cooler type) and filled it about 25% full of lukewarm water, added about 2 cups of sugar and a couple teaspones of bakers yeast. I took a small hypodermic needle and stuck it through the plasic jug...
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    CFL grow about 10 days in. Suggestions please.

    I've got 4 PH meter / thermometers coming. I'll put one in the DWC Hydro and the other 3 in various soil pots. I would like to figure out a way to cool my hydro water. I'm thinking about taking it apart and putting a drain hole just below the water line so I can put a few ice cubes in. I'm...
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    #1 indoor grow. NL/BB , WW sprouting. Now the waiting......

    Thanks man. Appreciate it. Any tips you have are appreciated. I shit canned the 2700K cfls until flowering and just use the 6500K and 5000K CFLs. The room is too hot. The 18 hour cycle with full on lights and the 4 hours of LEDs with high C02 cycle are working pretty well though. Now I need...
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    Grape Ape is a Gorilla!

    I'd let em GROW man!! The elec bill so far is an investment in your own hi-po weed. The bigger you grow them before flowering them the better IMHO. If getting light under the canopy leaves is a problem hang a few CFLs amungst em. Grow BIG harvest BIG!!
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    CFL grow about 10 days in. Suggestions please.

    14 total under 58,000 lumens of 3 spectrums of 20 total CFLs plus 5 13 w(1150 led) panels . I've got 6 growing in a DWC hydro system ( orange balls), the other 8 are in a soil mix of fox farm Pacific Forest, Light warrior, Black gold worm castings and dolomitic lime. Here is what I have for...
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    #1 indoor grow. NL/BB , WW sprouting. Now the waiting......

    Well the hydro finally came. I transplanted some newer seedlings but I didn't wash the roots and put them in rockwool. Is that bad? I just seem to loose plants hen I mess with roots and they looked so healthy I didn't want to screw up. A couple are in spagnum and the rest are in as small a ball...
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    Oxygen though a DWC bubbler ??

    Thanks bulldog. I've been looking for just that on Ebay but was only coming up with standard air stones. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
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    Oxygen though a DWC bubbler ??

    What I'm thinking of doing is putting my air pump in a semi sealed container and giving it a dose of O2 a few times a day. That way the O2 is mixed right in with the bubbler.
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    CFL grow about 10 days in. Suggestions please.

    I have the ventilation under control now. It's at about 75 with lights on and cooler the 4 hours the CFLs are off. I wondered if it was the 90-100 degree temps or adding nutes too soon that caused some of the leaf curl and a touch of browning. Maybe it was just shock from transplanting or I...
  15. B

    CFL grow about 10 days in. Suggestions please.

    The first seedlings of this grow pooped up about 9-15. I'm thinking I should have gone with a 600 or 1000w HPS or MH since these CFLs do produce heat from their ballasts and I've spent a good chunks of change on bulbs but I'm too far in to change. Maybe next time. Here is some of the...