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  1. odinohi

    Saliva test

    Forget it. Did a search and found a day or two. This is for children services. Need to see my grandkids after some lying fuck. Thanks
  2. odinohi

    Saliva test

    Can anyone tell me how long to pass a saliva swab test. Couple medium bowls a day since forever. Thanks, Tom
  3. odinohi

    Saliva test

  4. odinohi


    Fuck randoms fuck DOT fuck not smoking for 8 months a year fuck bosses that will fire you for attending your uncles funeral
  5. odinohi

    Random testing?

    Anyone please?
  6. odinohi

    Random testing?

    This may be slightly off topic, but who else would I ask. I'm under random DOT drug testing. I ussually quit smoking during my work season, but thats getting harder and harder to do. Weed is the only possible thing that would show up in my piss as I think I was pretty clean, but smoked a few...
  7. odinohi

    ok 30's and raining!!

    Just a novice here, but it looks OK to me. I chopped my two girls a week ago. They werent ready, but a nearby deerstand freaked me out. Ended up with a quarter bag of tiny buds. Bad part is, I cant smoke any until I get laidoff later this month. Fucking randoms! Anyway, you gotta do what you...
  8. odinohi

    Just chopped my girls

    Due to a nearby deer tree stand and paranoia. They werent really ready but like I said, paranoia. I trimmed off the leaves and have them hanging out in my barn. Its a small room with ceiling fan on low and dehumidifier set at 50%. Buds are all small. What do you all think? Thanks, OD
  9. odinohi

    Deer bow season

    Well, Sunday morning starts bow season. I'm going to go out and check them out this morning as soon as I can see to walk in the woods. If they dont look to be choppable I will wait until Oct 6, thats when I have a doctor appointment and have that morning off work. I will let you all know how...
  10. odinohi

    Deer bow season

    I have 4 small dogs, but it is impossible to walk them to this spot. Its a thick woods on one side and a bean field on the other. Poisaon ivy all over the woods, had to get help from my doctor once for it already. The soil around the plants isnt culivated, but just the color alone makes it...
  11. odinohi

    Deer bow season

    I surely hope not. What do you think of scarholes advice?
  12. odinohi

    Deer bow season

    I have a couple little girls on the east side of a woods. they arent too tall but producing nice little buds. This is my first grow by the way. The hairs on the top of the buds look to the naked eye as white colored. They have been showing signs of budding for about three weeks, but the hairs...
  13. odinohi

    Good morning everyone

    My friends call me OD. A buddy gave me a couple young girls earlier this summer. It took me a while to get them in the ground. They only are as tall as my knee. Went out 4 days ago and watered. They looked fairly well, little buds forming. Went out yesterday and those little buds really kicked...