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  1. Scopse

    Rust spots on leaves and dying low down. Cal/Mag Deficiency?

    As per the title, rust spots, yellowing and leaves eventually dying low down. I was thinking a typical Cal/Mag deficiency? What do you guys reckon?
  2. Scopse

    White Widow & Red Hair in 100% COCO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BY Z I B R A

    Massively enjoyed looking through your pics dude! It's came a long way since I last checked in on page 11 with my pics! You've inspired me to grow WW again this year. All the best man.
  3. Scopse

    Pistil and Pollen Sack at the same node?! What do you guys reckon?

    Thanks dc4. It's just the one sack so far. Pics from last grow: Whoop!!!
  4. Scopse

    Pistil and Pollen Sack at the same node?! What do you guys reckon?

    That's the first dirty testicle I've found. Ladyboys freak me out.
  5. Scopse

    Pistil and Pollen Sack at the same node?! What do you guys reckon?

    Check the pics. What do you guys think?
  6. Scopse

    can I grow an outdoor plant indoor and then have it flower outside?

    Dude, a member for 5 years and 5 posts, good skills. Anyway you dirty lurker you, in answer to your question, yes. Is there any reason why you'd veg it indoors first if you're going to have it outside for like 10 weeks flowering? Also consider repotting stress if you intend of transplanting it...
  7. Scopse

    Too much water or not enough water?

    The age old question.... Too much or too little water? Temps at 72F, humidity at 69%, soil, very light use of nutes, 85% indica. edit: also forgot to add they're 1 week in to flower.
  8. Scopse

    White Widow & Red Hair in 100% COCO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BY Z I B R A

    To be honest, I can't remember, I think maybe 9 pushing 10 weeks. Depending on when you harvest and how you dry + cure I'm sure you'll be happy.
  9. Scopse

    White Widow & Red Hair in 100% COCO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BY Z I B R A

    Looking good man! Wish all the best with the WW. Here's a few pics of Seedsman WW from like 2 years back to give you something to look forward to. :)
  10. Scopse

    Jesus What is this?

    Do those Fortefog permethrin smoke grenades kill spider mites? I used one to take down a wasp nest. Shit was like Rambo.
  11. Scopse

    Please help!!! Feminized white widow with problems!!!

    You watered her in when you repotted? I'm pretty confident she'll be fine if you just leave her atleast a couple of days to adjust.
  12. Scopse

    Newbie + Marijuana = :(

    30-34 degrees is too hot. That's like 93 fahrenheit. I had heat issue, totally stunted my grow for a week. Good luck!
  13. Scopse

    How did you get on with Plant Magic Evolution dude?

    How did you get on with Plant Magic Evolution dude?
  14. Scopse

    mh bulb

    Aslong as you don't try and power it off a 250 watt ballast, you'll blow the bulb. My reflector takes 1000watt but my bulb and ballast are only rated to 600w.
  15. Scopse

    Club 600

    Seedsman white widow, from like 2 years back, first grow, thoroughly recommended dude! You're going to love them.
  16. Scopse

    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP Recommend one of those?
  17. Scopse

    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    Okay thanks chaps, any recommendations? Please remember I'm over in Blighty across the pond from most of you and I've never seen any Fox Farms products which I think is quite popular? What NPK values am I looking out for and is there anything thats very similar to the medium I need, say for...
  18. Scopse

    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    Ah man I'm so confused now. :( What do I do?
  19. Scopse

    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    Okay sworth :) thanks man. If it's still the same tomorrow should I go with the repotting? Look how yellow they are :(
  20. Scopse

    Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP

    Hahaa! They've been yellowing for the past week though. You reckon it'll be okay to re pot using the same soil?