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  1. X

    Second try at this, growing Moby Dick and Kandy Kush - how am I doing?

    Well they're right next to each other so if I start one flowering, I'll have to start the other. Yeah I don't really care about that yield that much, I'd just like to actually have a yield even if it's small, so I guess I'll just wait a little for the small one to grow.
  2. X

    Second try at this, growing Moby Dick and Kandy Kush - how am I doing?

    So I'd have to wait a month from now? I've got to harvest in the beginning of May, so in order to give it about 8 weeks of flowering I'd have to start in about 2 weeks. I don't care about having a large yield really, but will it work? The get 24 hours of light, and I was thinking about just...
  3. X

    Second try at this, growing Moby Dick and Kandy Kush - how am I doing?

    Hey everybody, this is my second serious grow; I had a plant last semester that reached the early flowering phase but had to be cut down so I started all over with these Attitude seeds. I just wanted to ask how I'm doing so far, see if there's anything I should be doing to help out my plants, so...
  4. X

    2 plants, 1 bucket

    Well the little one ended up dying anyways, I don't know what happened but all of a sudden it was all withered and stuff, so I tried giving it some moisture and watering it but it didn't work so it's out for the count. Oh well.
  5. X

    2 plants, 1 bucket

    Alright I'm gonna go with stinkbudd because I really don't want to mess with them, but they're only 1 inch apart, is there anything I should to separate them or are they fine there?
  6. X

    Brown/red spots on ends of leaves, leaves curling upwards

    Okay I think I got it under control, the leaves that were already burned look pretty bad but it's stopped spreading, I just flushed it good. Thanks a bunch guys
  7. X

    2 plants, 1 bucket

    Haha, how should I go about transplanting though? Also, what's up with your sig?
  8. X

    2 plants, 1 bucket

    So I germinated a few seeds with the paper towel method and a couple of them didn't open up ever after a while so I just planted them in a pot just in case, but after a couple of weeks they still didn't sprout so I went ahead and planted a seed that did sprout in the pot, and now after like 3...
  9. X

    Brown/red spots on ends of leaves, leaves curling upwards

    Soil is MiracleGro potting mix, I've used it before and never had problems. I used MiracleGro all-purpose plant food, .125 ml or .25 tsp diluted with a solo cup full of water, so it was very little.
  10. X

    Brown/red spots on ends of leaves, leaves curling upwards

    Bump. I think I may have watered with nutrients too early, is that possible? It was hardly any, and I've flushed a couple of times, and not all the leaves are affected...any ideas?
  11. X

    Brown/red spots on ends of leaves, leaves curling upwards

    I looked through the guide but didn't find anything about red spots. I guess they're sort of copper colored. One leaf at the bottom got them real bad and has started to curl upwards, and a couple of other leaves are starting to get red at the tips too. It's doing really well regardless, but I'm...
  12. X

    Seed casing won't fall off, it's been a week

    I wonder how long it would've taken though, it didn't look like it was coming off any time soon.
  13. X

    Seed casing won't fall off, it's been a week

    So I chose to try prying off the casing with some needles, and I don't think I'll be doing it again; on one of the seedlings, the leaves were caught up in the casing awkwardly, and even though I was gentle I ended up breaking the leaves about in half. Luckily, the second pair of leaves was...
  14. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    Sorry I never replied, but I made the cannaoil and put it on some tacos, it tasted good and looked green but I don't think it did anything for me. I was really high when I did all this but even after a while I didn't notice a change at all so I'm guessing it didn't work. Oh well, getting started...
  15. X

    Seed casing won't fall off, it's been a week

    I germinated a seed and the root came out after a few days so I planted it, and it's grown, it's like 2 inches tall, but the seed casing is still on the top. It seems to know where the light it and has grown towards the brighter light but the casing is still covering the leaves. I tried gently...
  16. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    I guess I'll find out, I can't get my hands on any vodka by tomorrow so I'm gonna make some cannaoil instead and see if I can get a ride on it. Wish me luck fellows.
  17. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    Yeah they're all pretty clear. Okay thanks, I guess I'll try the alcohol thing, I don't have anything better to do.
  18. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    Yeah it's only about 3 weeks in :/ The picture doesn't show it too well but it's got a good bit of crystals on the calyxes and some of the upper leaves (fallen), so I'd like to be able to do something with it, but I don't wanna have a bad trip. @assasin, did it make good green dragon or was it...
  19. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    Yeah like cannabutter. This is where my plant's at:
  20. X

    Do I need to dry plant to make canna-oil?

    I have about 2 days to get rid of my plant, and I don't want to just throw it away because it's been in the flowering stage for a while and it has crystals and everything but it's not even close to harvest time. So I was wondering, does it need to dry and everything before I can use it to make...