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  1. ELRooster

    Flushing Question

    This is the post from another forum that I'm referncing. a lot of people seem to struggle with how much to feed their plants so I have made this thread so I don't have to keep explaining lol... to do this you will need a nutrient strength meter, be it a CF, TDS, PPM, EC or any other, they...
  2. ELRooster

    First time poster long time viewer! (Ebb and flow mobile SCROG)

    Did the Cal-mag or epsom salt help. What are your nute levels running?
  3. ELRooster

    Flushing Question

    I've read that after flushing to see what level of nutrient your plants are needing you add your nutrient and adjust PH wait 24hrs and then test if your nutes went down then you need to add if they went up you should decrease and if they stay the same your good to go. But they also say that when...
  4. ELRooster

    Leaves curving down but leaf edges cupping up?

    Flushed the system and took a few more pics.
  5. ELRooster

    Leaves curving down but leaf edges cupping up?

    I think I will try the epsom salt I have heard that might work. The only other thing I can think of doing is instead of flushing every 7 days Is try and flush every 5 days so I can lower PPM but they would get a fresh load of nutes more frequently. Thanks for the replies
  6. ELRooster

    Leaves curving down but leaf edges cupping up?

    Water temp is 69, I have had the nutes lower in the past but then I get opposite cupping because of magnesium deficiency. These are in 4th week of flower and 4 feet tall.
  7. ELRooster

    Leaves curving down but leaf edges cupping up?

    My temp is running between 75-78 and humidity is at 40. My PH has been dropping to about 5.5-5.6 and I bring it back to 5.8-5.9. PPM is at 1600.
  8. ELRooster

    Leaves curving down but leaf edges cupping up?

    Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks
  9. ELRooster

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    What causes the leaf curl on your plants?
  10. ELRooster

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    I noticed earlier in your post you stated that you don't need to go over 1200 ppm but your at 1500 now. Are you at 1500 because as your water dropped the ppm was lowering? Thanks