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  1. L

    some of my photography

    Here are a few done with an infrared sensitive camera and a deep red filter.foliage reflects all infrared making it easy to set as a white point.
  2. L

    Unprotected gardening

    My own experience. there are thousands of articles online about the subject of UV and eye damage. have a look at these.
  3. L

    Unprotected gardening

    Exposure to UV light from halide lamps of any size can cause temporary swelling of your eyeballs,enough notice by people close to you. Wear wrap arounds or shut off them off before you do any work around them.
  4. L

    seedling not growing?? anyone help

    cut off the tips of the serrated leaves and see of that gets them going. I've seen a few that stopped after the cotyledons opened up and it always worked.