Search results

  1. H

    What is Egyptian Bath Powder?

    Having some difficulties finding venders for some things I would like, if you know any trust able sources online I would be excited to hear. If you would rather communicate via PM or email I can totally do that.
  2. H

    What is Egyptian Bath Powder?

    . Not sure what it could be.
  3. H

    What is Egyptian Bath Powder?

    I hear it's good I guess, but I can't find any info on what the chemical is that's in there. Any guesses?
  4. H

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    Hey Another US buyer currently getting this at $8.5 / g would love to find a better bulk source if I could. If anyone could pm about it I would very much appreciate it. Also what I'm seeing has a light blue - dark blue color to it. Does this mean it's cut? What should this look like...
  5. H

    Hey sorry to bug you, you seam like you're a pretty popular guy around here. I was on the...

    Hey sorry to bug you, you seam like you're a pretty popular guy around here. I was on the mephedrone thread and someone said to talk to you about RC's. Seams like most everyone on here is doing something similar. If you have a minute though Please shoot me a PM about sources. Thanks!