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    whats wrong with my plant?

    So what can I do if the plant is over watered? Just let the soil dry?
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    Well I don't give it a lot of water its like three 8 oz cups....that's it.
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    I water threes times every morning. As for feed, the soil is miracle grow. It has those white crystals so I just let the plant feed from those.
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    whats wrong with my plant?

    It's about 10 weeks old. I woke up this morning and the plant was like that. This is the first time it does that. What's wrong with it?
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    Are Your Plants Starting To Flower Yet??? CA

    I also live in socal and started the plant in May. Nine weeks later it's about 2ft long. Yesterday it started to show pistils, today has a bit more. I'm not to sure on the strain of the plant, it was a bag seed.
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    whats up guys second plant here.

    So I'm posting these pictures of my plant. So I can share it with you guys and get some feedback on it. It's two months old.
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    bad or good idea to top?

    What's up guys, my plant is 8 weeks old, its about 2 ft. So I've been reading a lot on topping plants. However I read on some places that is better to top when its about a foot big? So is it too big to top? Or can i still do it without worrying about the plant having a bad reaction? Also if I...
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    Second Plant, What Do You Think?

    im not to sure, it was a bagseed
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    Second Plant, What Do You Think?

    It's 7 weeks old
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    Second plant, what do you think?

    It's two months old.
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    Plant Number 2

    What's up people, so I started a new plant. I have two types of miracle grow,mixed in with egg shells and Orange peels. I'm using the same soil that i used for the previous plant. I was going to actually buy some seeds. However I came across some bag seeds. They looked similar to tiger stripes...
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    plants are growing, i have a question?

    my plants started to flower, should i trim some of the biggr leaves to help the flowering process, would it even make a diffrence?
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    male or female???

    i still got 2 more plants guys, so the story doesnt finish in a bad way, this is just another lesson learned.....
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    male or female???

    so ive done my research, looked at a couple of posts on here but im still not at rest...can anyone help me specify wethere this plant is male or female....its has this little seed-looking balls...however some of them have opened and have hairs coming from the inside...
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    first timer

    whats up guys new here, its been a month since i planted my first seeds and let me tell you i dont think im doing too bad....heres the pics me know what u think? any advice will be start from today till the date they were planted.