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  1. B

    Blocking off intake and exhaust ceiling register vents?

    Thanks for the quick reply ASMALLVOICE. I was going to lift the register up out of place and seal it off, and then run the portable a/c hoses up through the open hole in the ceiling and then try to insulate all the open area around the portable a/c hoses in the ceiling somehow. Got any idea's...
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    Blocking off intake and exhaust ceiling register vents?

    Hey guys, I just have a quick question. I'm trying to route my portable a/c out through one of the ceiling registers then out through the roof. Is it okay to block off both the intake and exhaust vents into the room? Will it mess up my central a/c?
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Yo. anybody got any input on girl just got a rental through a property management company, the owners live in NY, and its a major real estate company handling the property. Do you think the mofo's will really be trying to come in and check the house out randomly and shit to make sure...
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    Florida Growers Thread

    The whole youth thing is...when they feel the juvenile justice system has failed you in FL, they charge you as an adult (you go to adult jail, and Dept of Corr.), but classify you as a "youth offender". I was charged that way at 16 years old, given 5 years prison, and now i'm screwed for life...
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    Just wanted to say whats up to all my brudda's! Will be starting organic soil grow here real soon, can't wait to put my knowledge to the test!
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    Florida Growers Thread

    Hernando county here...employment sucks, but it's the spot if you are looking for seclusion but still within an hours drive to city life. Can't find work anywhere being a felon though, if the unemployment rate here for a average joe is 15% times that by 5 and that's your unemployment rate if...