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  1. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Rob you're right, I'll get one tomorrow. Hope I get at least an Ounce on the one that's 7 weeks in. I'm excited because it's so frosty and I can see the tricromes standing now, I still see more immature flowers which I guess let's me know they have another 2 weeks tops. Which is fine because I'm...
  2. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Is there really a major difference in between the 6th week and 8 weeks grow for a basic auto indica or any basic indica for that matter? Will I see a major change in the last 2 weeks for a basic indica like afghan? I dont have a magnifying glass to look at tricrome development. Any input is...
  3. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Update on pics u guys, embarrassed because the last two growers appear to know what they're doing. :) So far I'm sure temps to high, I dont have enough light, not enough space, lack of nutes list goes These are two Afghan Kush Ryder planted and transplanted at same time. 5 weeks into...
  4. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I hope so. How long do you think I have to go? I'm glad you commented by the way since you've seen them earlier on.. :)
  5. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    A FOR EFFORT?? LOL Update on the Afgan Kusy Ryder, is now 3 weeks into flower (6 weeks old). Concerned of course cuz I dont have enough light so the bottom is neglected, guess ill chop half when its done and lower the light or raise the plants??? Also how long do you think I have to go? It said...
  6. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Yes w.o.s. its afghan kush ryder actually..started flowering after 3 weeks I was amazed and relieved at the same time. Now all all the nods and pretty much all the secondary branches flowers have pistils on them. I'm just waiting for the budding start not sure when to expect that yet. Once that...
  7. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here is an update, these 28 days old, Afghan Kush-(first grow). Please let me know what you think in terms of yield and when the leaves will stop growing on top and when the actual budding will start..right now there aren't any pistils on top it just looks like its still trying to work on...
  8. M

    World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder, Charting progress.

    Yea, or maybe it didn't like the soil. I'm growing two afghan kush ryders, they are 4 weeks. The one on far left is Afghan Kush special. The two ryders started flowering a lil over a week ago. Pots are totally too small..the roots are getting super long. I'm just noticing these lil small tiny...
  9. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here are pics of them. Almost at 4 weeks. ((For acting purposes only))
  10. M

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I'm growing afghan kush ryder for the first time. 2 afghan kush ryder and 1 afghan kush special. The Afghan Kush ryder started flowering right at 3 weeks..well one of them. The other got made when I transplanted shes lagging behind and is branching wierd. On the one that is flowering...
  11. M

    Afghan kush ryder

    Yea I'm growing 2 of them and one Afghan Special. Weird part is, they are now 6 days from seed, one afghan ryder and afghan special both look the same, the other afghan ryder its leaves are narrower at the end while the other two are more oval shaped. (First pair of leaves). We'll see as time...