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  1. Michael Octopus

    DIY Drip irrigation help

    For a small grow (2 plants) I am making a drip-irrigation system out of a 5gal bucket and some 1/4" tubing. I have all the necessary components, but skipped out on a pump and timer setup to just left gravity do its work, and have the bucket suspended above the plants. I'll be oxygenating the...
  2. Michael Octopus

    Need help deciding

    all my sh!t you can check on my journal i spent around $300 - $350, and i think i got a prett good deal all around), and I got a full setup, and then like another $50 for my first shipment of some seeds
  3. Michael Octopus

    r we there yet ?

    from the pistils, looks like their done (i like around 80% of them to be withered) but see if you can get a scope so you can check the triches cuz thats always more accurate but id say a few more days at most
  4. Michael Octopus

    Growing Cycles

    it shouldn't be hazardous as long as you know that each plant may be in a different cycle and to respect that accordingly; im doing a similar grow, but my plants are much further apart which brings me to: let them grow at least 14 days apart, since not all plants are the same, and somewhere down...
  5. Michael Octopus

    How to tell if your plant is indica or sativa

    absolutely indica indicas are darker green/purple, whereas sativa are more lighter and sometimes yellower, but you cant tell that yet indicas grow short and squat with close-in branches, and sativas are tall and branch out a lot, but you cant tell that yet but indicas have wider lips on their...
  6. Michael Octopus

    should I transplant or is it to soon?

    as long as you dont disturb the taproot or too many branch roots, you'll be fine. first make sure you have an appropriate space ready in the new container (fill the container with soil, filling around the container you already have, to make sure its the perfect shape and size) i like to make...
  7. Michael Octopus

    Spider mites.. I used this to kill em....and it works!!!!

    how much did that run you? and howd you find those two out of hundreds on ebay (like, what made you choose them, did you hear about it from someone else?)
  8. Michael Octopus

    Little red bugs....

    oh dude i had this once yeah ganja's right the are mites i dont remember which species but its the only red mite i didnt do ganja's fancy spider mite removal plan i just used a mix of 1/3 or 1/2 parts rubbing alcohol and 2/3 or 1/2 parts water (pH dialed down, of course) as a supplement to my...
  9. Michael Octopus

    Late season hermie

    hahah i used to be just like that but did you take the pics on auto? because the manual features will make photographing much easier i know my camera has a function for objects less than 1m away, and another that color corrects when the hue of a room is off (like the orange grow room when using...
  10. Michael Octopus

    Cutting off leaves

    bonjo if you looked at his last thread and saw his pic you might say differently from your pics id say youre not planning to live off of what you grow, so you dont care ALL THAT MUCH if you end up with less than a quarter of a g less in weight wet. because that's all it will do cutting off one...
  11. Michael Octopus

    Cutting off leaves

    there won't be any stunting or extra stress, it just a little less light the plant will be absorbing go ahead and cut it off thats what i do. once its all yellow theres no going back
  12. Michael Octopus


    it's not needed, but if you do have a 24-36 hour dark period prior to switching cycles, it helps the plant transition from vegetative to flowering quicker, and can reduce overall flowering time by up to a week
  13. Michael Octopus

    First Time MMJ grower seeking mini grow room thoughts

    1st the paint is most likely just as reflective as any cheap plastic liner you'll buy on your budget, but invest in a simple light/ph/moisture probe like i bought for just under $15, and will give you really accurate lumen readings 2nd fans are always great for every grow room to help improve...
  14. Michael Octopus

    First time grow Please help regarding bugs and flower time

    flower until 50-80% of the hairs turn dark (orange or red, most likely) or if you have a decent scope, until 1/3 of the trichromes are clear, 1/3 are milky, and 1/3 are amber (that's optimum for my grows; some growers like 50% milky, 50% ambery) in regards to the bugs, neem oil is the best...