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  1. LowTimes

    Magic: The Gathering

    Any other stoner's enjoy this game? I've been playing for a long time and usually run into small groups of smokers from time to time. I was thinking there may be some on here :D
  2. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    I think we should all realize how many potential drug dealers, rapists, and pedophiles have been spared from our world due to abortion. How can someone's quality of life be expected to be anything but minimal when their mother is a 16 yr old crack head and father is in prison? It can't, and if...
  3. LowTimes

    27 To 42 Years Of Age: Do You Wish You Were Still A VIRGIN?

    I have multiple friends who are in their late 20's and are still virgins. they mostly play DnD, magic and xbox all the time. There's no room for talking to females when you have extremely sausage-filled hobbies like that.
  4. LowTimes

    Astral Traveling or Projectory.

    I've heard people talk about being able to do it but I've always been skeptical. I'll try it eventually.
  5. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    Wow, Heinsberg. You're a smart dude. I understand a bit more now, thanks for the information. I would hope that actually performing abortions won't even be an issue one day. I hope one day people will have enough sense to have a lot less unplanned pregnancies.
  6. LowTimes

    If atheist don't have Faith, how do They buy Faith n Evolution???

    Your right to create threads should be revoked. The whole rollitup community face palms every time they read one of your threads. :|
  7. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    When I was younger a couple lived down the street from me. This man and this woman both had mild forms of downs syndrome. They gave birth to a baby boy that would not only be free of downs, but went on to college to become a marine biologist. Do I think you're wrong? No, not at all. I think...
  8. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    I'm not a scientist and do not claim to be educated in genetics. Do YOU believe that you were born a homosexual?
  9. LowTimes

    Cookie Monster

    I have a two year old brother and I live with my folks so I have to hear Sesame Street anywhere from 4-8 hrs a day. If Sesame Street is supposed to be teaching children, why in the FUCK does Cookie Monster talk like such an uneducated retard? `Me want cooooookie` `me need coooooookiiiies` `me...
  10. LowTimes

    Holy Shit.

    Uh, I don't think growing more plants is going to help you at all. o_o
  11. LowTimes


    I don't like to talk about genre's when I talk about metal, considering there's always arguments from those who deem their music superior to others. Also, there are way too many fucking genre's that have `core` afterwards. Obviously I speak from personal experience. If I had to choose a genre I...
  12. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    Population control should start before abortion is even an option, imo.
  13. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    Exactly my point. For this group of people to use Einstein as an example is laughable. One could even argue the world would have been better off if Einstein were never born, since he invented the Atom Bomb.
  14. LowTimes

    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    Yeah, my mother experienced that. While i find it unfortunate that young people aren't taught very thoroughly about religion from a young age (Considering i think every person should be taught about religion just so that they KNOW about religion and don't just blindly hate it and speak down to...
  15. LowTimes

    If Einstein Were Aborted...

    I saw this on a commercial promoting pro-life today. ``What would have happened if Einstein had been aborted?`` I laughed at first, but then I really started to think about it. How many potential Einstein's or Steven Hawking's have been aborted thus far? Under that logic one could easily argue...
  16. LowTimes

    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    I'm just stating that it's never happened to me. I didn't need an example of who does it, because I know it happens. It's just kind of shocking that it happens to anyone on a consistent enough basis to come onto a forum and complain about it. I only get Jehova's witnesses knocking on my door...
  17. LowTimes

    So Those People That Knock On Your Door

    The last time one knocked on my door I spent an hour on my porch with them talking about their religion. I then started to pick it apart layer by layer until they got up and walked off my porch. It took all but ten minutes. What does that say? (btw I believe in God)
  18. LowTimes

    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    and those people are wrong, be they christian, muslim, atheist or agnostic. you're absolutely correct. I don't know about anyone else in here but i have never once had a christian come up to me and force their beliefs onto me.
  19. LowTimes

    Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk

    ^ this. I still don't understand how people give so much of a shit about what other people believe in. It doesn't affect you.